
26 Feb 2007

One of my machines has died, i'm fairly sure its the motherboard at fault so I was gonna get a replacement, but sadly its no longer made!!! So i've found a fairly similar replacement, i was just hoping one of you guys could take a look, and using your vast and wonderful knowledge tell me if it'll work?

The old on is an asrock p4v88+ and the new one is a Asrock P4I65G. There are a few dissimilarities (okay i'm not sure if thats a word but im using it) so if it's not gonna work do you think you could point me in the direction of one that will?

Thanks for any help you can give me in this:)

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Er, you will have to remove the links, as its to a competitor. But you can link to the mainboard manufacturers.
It looks fine, but the new motherboard is a micro-atx. Its a small form factor board, and has less slots. But it does look fine. No doubt someone will come on and recommend a different board.

I've had a quick hunt about and I think the Asrock P4VM890 would be a better match as it's a VIA chipset board (890 chipset, rather than 880) but it is a PCIe board (with on-board graphics), so if you need the AGP graphics, then it wouldn't be an option.

Have you tried typing "ASRock P4V88+" into As I suspect you can still get refurbished P4V88+ boards quite cheaply and that would be the most straightforward option.
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