Complete Career Change

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14 Sep 2011
Well, im 20 years old and have been working at mcdonalds for a year now.

Its time for a change as im bored of my job.

Someone said 'join the army'

My first impression was go out and get killed? no thanks.

But then I had a look at their site. and the job role 'Logistic Support Photographer' really took my fancy.

Role Finder - British Army Website

I have just had a look and found out the photography role is a specialisation that you take at a later stage in your career as one of the trades at the bottom.

So I was having a look at a few other and came across

Logistic Supply Specialist

Role Finder - British Army Website

and also Logistic Postal Courier

Role Finder - British Army Website

Both sound interesting.

I went to my local army careers office yesterday and im booked up for my BARB test next week.

anyone follwoing my steps or in a similar situation or is in the army that can give me some advice?
Remember that your primary role is to be a soldier. It's worth having a good hard think about the very real possibility of having to fight.

My advice would be to not rush into anything. Keep doing research, make sure it's really what you want to do, and that you want it for the right reasons.
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More importantly consider the other services.

I've met a lot of people who joined the Army that later wish they'd joined a the RAF or Navy, but I've never met anyone who feels the opposite...

Honestly, there's quite a big difference between the "way of life" of each service, much more so than most people expect. Give it some consideration and look at all options, you really don't want to end up wishing you made a different choice.
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