Compressor problems

13 Apr 2014
Hi, I recently bought an AS168S compressor (3L tank and cooling fan). After a couple of days use, the tank would fill as usual and the motor would stop but as soon as I start to spray, the motor kicks in and begins to splutter and sounds as if it is getting stuck and it gets rather hot with the fan not seeming to work, Is this usual or is it time to send it back?
You put oil in it when it arrived before use ?

Compressors and the like have to be filled prior to first use.
With small airbrush type compressors you often don't need oil due to the design and materials, but it is worth checking (AFAIK the AS models usually don't).

I would be checking any air filter/intake for the compressor is clear of debris and uncovered.
Hi, I recently bought an AS168S compressor (3L tank and cooling fan).

I'm guessing a simple typo and you mean AS186S.

If so, they don't use oil so forget about that. They aren't exactly known for reliability though. They used to be great, and I know people that have had them for years without issue, but with everyone and his grandmother re-manufacturing them they can be hit & miss these days.

Mine lasted 6 months, during which I stripped and rebuilt it twice.

One common issue is moisture getting in to the pressure shut off valve in the head, which then corrodes enough for it to stick, causing all kinds of funky behaviour.

Another is manufacturing gunk in the chamber itself, blocking the reed valve or causing it not to close properly. Remove the head and clean out anything that's in there.

These, and other issues are covered quite well by YouTube videos

I eventually gave up and went overboard with an Iwata Power Jet Plus. The air delivery is like night & day compared to the cheapy, but there are many more budget friendly options from either Iwata themselves or Sparmax, which are part of the same company.
Hi, I recently bought a Hyundai hy27550 and have just bought a Makita brad nailer. loosing a lot of air at the connection point, sorry very new to the world of compressors, any advice would be appreciated. thanks in advance.
Hi, I recently bought a Hyundai hy27550 and have just bought a Makita brad nailer. loosing a lot of air at the connection point, sorry very new to the world of compressors, any advice would be appreciated. thanks in advance.

Not the forum for that type of thing tbh, though I will say put some PTFE tape around the threads of the connector before screwing it in !
A little late but as pete says generally if it's at the threat between the tool and connector a bit of PTFE tape before tightening it up up usually works.
If it's the actual quick fit connector between the tool and the hose it's trickier, but can be worth trying a different brand of male connector (the tool side) as they can be slightly out of spec, it's also worth checking that they are actually of a type that are meant to mate, IIRC there are two commonly used ones (a thick stubby one, and long thin one), but there may be a third one that sort of fits as I remember I had an issue with my garage compressor and a couple of tools early on.

I'll actually leave this here rather than split it off and move to home and garden because the problems you get with DIY compressors are basically the same as you get with modelling ones, as are the solutions in general.
It's just the connection sizes that really vary:) and with a mini compressor I might look at some form of thin liquid sealer for the threads, i'm not quite sure what the airtight version of Loctite Purple is.
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