You still haven't watched the bloody video, if you had you would know Adored even said exactly that himself about the 8400, he isn't talking about the 8400 in the sense that its misleading, he is talking about the 8700/K and its misleading advertised clock rates and TDP, whether or not that's the fault of reviewers or Intel Adored is shining a light on the fact that depending on which reviewer you go to and what hardware they are using dictates how much over 'or in some cases not' the chip is performing above Intel's ratings.
The fact is different reviewers are getting vastly different performance results for the same chip, for example between 1200 points in Cinebench to 1500 points with other reviewers for the same chips, Adored is simply shedding light on that and explaining why that's happening.
Theres a deeper message in that video and you know it. The title says it all.
As for the binning comments from people, its bs. A few people here myself included have retail samples doing 5ghz+