Right this is a job based post.
Firstly I work part time for a retail based business and I've been trying for ages to get a full time job in the career I want to which is IT/Office.
The job that I have gone for is an Office Administrator and it pays £12-14,000 a year.
However I have no office experience yet I mentioned this when I wrote my covering letter but for some reason I keep thinking I'm not good enough as I've not had any current office experience only a weeks worth of office experience when I was 15.
I don't have Alevels but I have a National Diploma in ICT Practitioners which I completed to Triple Distinction (AAA) standard and for some reason its just this what makes me think its just this that has been able to get me an interview.
I have an interview for the office adminstrator job on Tuesday and I am really nervous because for some reason I think because of the pay - that i am instantly not good enough. I dont want to feel like this i want to feel a bit of positivity.
I am only 20 as well and probably up against a lot of candidates so I am going to struggle as to what Im going to say....
I've got my CV if anyone wants to have a look at it and tell me how I stand out in anyway.
thanks for listening.
Firstly I work part time for a retail based business and I've been trying for ages to get a full time job in the career I want to which is IT/Office.
The job that I have gone for is an Office Administrator and it pays £12-14,000 a year.
However I have no office experience yet I mentioned this when I wrote my covering letter but for some reason I keep thinking I'm not good enough as I've not had any current office experience only a weeks worth of office experience when I was 15.
I don't have Alevels but I have a National Diploma in ICT Practitioners which I completed to Triple Distinction (AAA) standard and for some reason its just this what makes me think its just this that has been able to get me an interview.
I have an interview for the office adminstrator job on Tuesday and I am really nervous because for some reason I think because of the pay - that i am instantly not good enough. I dont want to feel like this i want to feel a bit of positivity.
I am only 20 as well and probably up against a lot of candidates so I am going to struggle as to what Im going to say....
I've got my CV if anyone wants to have a look at it and tell me how I stand out in anyway.
thanks for listening.