
16 Dec 2003
Right this is a job based post.

Firstly I work part time for a retail based business and I've been trying for ages to get a full time job in the career I want to which is IT/Office.

The job that I have gone for is an Office Administrator and it pays £12-14,000 a year.

However I have no office experience yet I mentioned this when I wrote my covering letter but for some reason I keep thinking I'm not good enough as I've not had any current office experience only a weeks worth of office experience when I was 15.

I don't have Alevels but I have a National Diploma in ICT Practitioners which I completed to Triple Distinction (AAA) standard and for some reason its just this what makes me think its just this that has been able to get me an interview.

I have an interview for the office adminstrator job on Tuesday and I am really nervous because for some reason I think because of the pay - that i am instantly not good enough. I dont want to feel like this i want to feel a bit of positivity.

I am only 20 as well and probably up against a lot of candidates so I am going to struggle as to what Im going to say....

I've got my CV if anyone wants to have a look at it and tell me how I stand out in anyway.

thanks for listening.
I think you'll have a good chance. It seems like the type of job that's for 'getting your foot on the ladder' to work your way up. Just keep thinking of why you can do this job, you've already mentioned your National Diploma.

Also, try and act confident, it always helps.
Confidence is the key - without it you will get no-where. Go in there, not too cocky, but believe that you are capable of doing the job - and just tell them that. I would never employ someone if I couldnt have confidence in them, and if they do not have confidence in themselves how can they expect it from me.

Try writing down all the reasons you think you CAN do the job, and prepare a sentence for each that you can say when asked.
I think you'll have a good chance. It seems like the type of job that's for 'getting your foot on the ladder' to work your way up. Just keep thinking of why you can do this job, you've already mentioned your National Diploma.

Also, try and act confident, it always helps.

OMG, such bad advice.

Your not on the ladder, you couldn't reach the first step if you tried.

Only joking, you WILL get the job.

Im sure your be fine, sounds like a good step out of retail and way to build experiance!

I find with job interviews its all about looking calm and confident (so basicly what everyone else has said)

I always try and make it more like a conversation than an interview.
Normally they want people with experience... I'm just hoping my Customer Service skills experience, National Diploma and Call centre skills are enough.
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