Cooling noise: x1900xtx - toxic vs aftermarket cooler

16 Jan 2003
As the title says. I've got a Sapphire x1900 xtx-toxic, which as you know uses the cheapo liquid cooling system. It's annoying me: partly because it's actually quite noisy (in a rattly way), partly because you can't software-control the speed of the fan, and partly because it seems almost impossible to top up the coolant: the hole it goes in is tiny, and in spite of my best efforts there are always, always some bubbles left - which I guess is what creates the rattly sort of noise.

The obvious solution would be to replace the liquid cooling with air cooling. Or would it? I assume air cooling would be louder, but can anyone comment on the relative noise levels of each solution from experience? Are we talking much louder, or just a bit?

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