** Corsair Hydro H110i GT Recall **

im really unsure if when i head home if i should attempt to fit it or not.

fit it and wait for a fix then send it back for replacement. cause im sure its gona take them a good few weeks to come up with a replacement ?

Return it, Not worth having a product if the manufacturer has issued a recall.
The H110i GT is only a channel recall any units sold to end-user that are fine out of the box wont be affected

Any OcUK customers wishing to have a refund on the product anyway, may do so as you will be within your 14 day Satisfaction period anyway.
basically if you haven't installed it send it back if you have and it works it won't fail. but we're nice so if you don't want to take the risk we understand and will accept returns. (you're also in your 14 days so you can return it anyway )
Now might be a good time to offer buyers who bought the Crosair Hydro cooler recently to offer them a good deal on a custom water cooling kit ;) in case they want to jump ship from corsair. - cheeky i know but worth asking lol
Was planning on getting one of these :(.

Kinda of impressive that Corsair are going to all this trouble over an issue that would require the user to remove the AIO cooler and put it in his freezer in order to replicate lol.

Kudos to them.

a liquid cooler in -10 temps? seems a bit pointless, risk of freezing aside, even intel's stock cooler would rock in that scenario

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm not convinced. If it really were a problem that only appears at those temperatures, I'm not sure that a manufacturer would bother with a recall. Rather, I'd wonder if it's a bigger issue, but the manufacturer is inventing such an extreme scenario so they can be all "Look how seriously we take product quality that we're going to recall because of a one in a million scenario. It's not that we made a major fault in the product elsewhere, honest." :p

That said, the above conspiracy scenario is what I'd expect of a lesser manufacturer, not Corsair.
So am i correct to assume that if you have it installed and it is working fine, there is nothing wrong with it. It wont be affected by this issue in the future?
Maybe the -10c was during shipping so if your product works now its going to be fine. Maybe the coolant can freeze and crack something.
Maybe the -10c was during shipping so if your product works now its going to be fine. Maybe the coolant can freeze and crack something.

That's what i was suggesting.

Im gona bring mine home and measure it up to make sure it will fit in the Carbide 500R Case. If it fits i might go ahead and use it. and get Corsair to replace it as soon as the issue has been fixed.

If its not going to fit, il return it and replace it for a H110i GTX which is smaller. but again i will still have to wait for Green Light from Corsair on the matter of the Recall.

In short, this is how ive been feeling all day ...

My guess is that the recall is for units which may have reached below -10 in transit. Thinking of the huge snowfall and cold winter they've had on the continent?

EDIT: typed this before I read this page ;)

*snigger* stu said "ring blow" and got away with it.
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Now might be a good time to offer buyers who bought the Crosair Hydro cooler recently to offer them a good deal on a custom water cooling kit ;) in case they want to jump ship from corsair. - cheeky i know but worth asking lol

what do you want i'll see what i can do ;) pm me via trust
Here is our official statement:

As a precautionary measure, Corsair has recalled the H110i GT from our resellers for screening. Here’s some information about what this means to you.

1. We discovered that when some units are exposed to extremely cold, sub-freezing temperatures during shipment, they can leak small amounts of coolant.
2. This problem can be immediately identified when the box is opened as some users noticed small drops of coolant in the plastic bag surrounding the unit.
3. If there has been no coolant leaked in the package, the unit should operate normally and with no problems.

Though we have seen no failures of units during operation, and have tested units in a wide variety of conditions to verify they have not leaked once installed, we understand that this can be disconcerting. If you have purchased this product and have a concern, please contact your reseller or Corsair directly to return the product. We will likely not have replacement units available for six weeks, as the entire recall, screening, and remanufacturing process takes significant shipping time.

Thank you for purchasing Corsair, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Im not really a fan of the corsair AIOs in the least.But fair play to them for doin a full recall for a problem that is not really something they could have foreseen/avoided.Feel kinda bad for them actually,such an unlikely set of circumstances would ever lead to this affecting end users.

Whats the minimum recommended operation temp for AIO's anyways,would have assumed it would have been around -10c to begin with
Here is our official statement:

As a precautionary measure, Corsair has recalled the H110i GT from our resellers for screening. Here’s some information about what this means to you.

1. We discovered that when some units are exposed to extremely cold, sub-freezing temperatures during shipment, they can leak small amounts of coolant.
2. This problem can be immediately identified when the box is opened as some users noticed small drops of coolant in the plastic bag surrounding the unit.
3. If there has been no coolant leaked in the package, the unit should operate normally and with no problems.

Though we have seen no failures of units during operation, and have tested units in a wide variety of conditions to verify they have not leaked once installed, we understand that this can be disconcerting. If you have purchased this product and have a concern, please contact your reseller or Corsair directly to return the product. We will likely not have replacement units available for six weeks, as the entire recall, screening, and remanufacturing process takes significant shipping time.

Thank you for purchasing Corsair, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

nothing wrong with mine. just gonna keep it. Thanks for the update Grayman
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