Corsair SSD X32 really poor performance

5 Oct 2009
Hi all

I need help on this one. My new system has a Corsair X32 SSD for it's Windows 7 boot drive and a Spintpoint 1TB for installed games and...err... other stuff!

It was only by chance that I came across an X32 poor performance post on another forum. I recorded my speeds and low and behold, bad performance too. I ordered this along with my current setup (see below) from another supplier.

Hopefully this shows the problem. <90MB read with promised values of 200+

I am hopefully doing something stupid but I would like to avoid a fresh install. By my reckoning, I did a nice full format.

Specs as follows
i7 running AT 4.0GHz
Asus Ramage 2 extreme
12800 Doms x 6GB
2 x 4890 CF
850W Corsair PSU

Thanks in advance
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Changing to AHCI will not bring up performance unfortunately. I am RMA'ing the drive with that company. Epic fail! I only noticed after reading an article because everything loads Spinpoint like games etc
What you looking to buy next BaDBoy?

In terms of SSD? I am not sure really. I am definitely getting another SSD. I guess I have been unlucky. I am also RMA'ing the 6GB RAM as one stick has always been faulty from day 1. I had real issues with BSODs and checked one stick at a time with Orthos and Everest RAM checks, seeing that one was faulty. No OC back then either. So, my PC will be out of action until I get a c-drive SSD and RAM.... Booooooooo!

Can you recommend an SSD for about £125? Maybe I will get an X32 and see if I get a good one. If not, RMA that and get a different make. I have always been a Corsair fan and having the Haf922, H50 and my Corsair 850W PSU, I am a fan. Maybe, as I said, I am just unlucky with this new build

Hope you get it sorted soon m8y as for SSD I couldn't say what to buy only advice on what others have posted mainly the Crucial and Intel SSD's, but both drives have gone up in price quite a bit just recently fingers crossed it will all settle down now that Windows 7 has been released. :D
I have been sent RMA replacement. Found out that you need to do a quick partition (which I think I did) and have 32kb allocation size. Boooo. Testing new one next week with new RAM too. Tri-channel should lead to boost in performance too
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