Cost of a respray

7 Dec 2008
Basicly, first car, found a renault which has pretty much everything you could want, airbags, 50 mpg (diesel) alloy wheels, mahusive boot nice to drive etc etc only 2500 (65000 on the clock but that doesnt bother me), BUT, its a hideous girly light sky blue/silver and i could not be seen dead in it. I dont want any fancy pearlescent paint or anything, just basic gloss black or something, how much would this cost?
Dont bother, complete waste of money respraying it.
Price depends on the quality.

You could pay your mate to do it in his shed with rattle cans for £250 and get an awful finish.

To get a proper finish would involve a lot of work, and can easily cost upwards of £1000.

IMO get a car in the colour you want or put up with the colour.
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If you paid a grand for a full respray and wanted a semi decent job then you'll be disappointed. You'll be looking to nearer double that for anything that looks reasonable. You'd be better off saving your cash and looking for a more suitable car.
Sound's like a pic's is need's.and photo non-colour change photoshop job/mod's trim do-dah wheel's etc etc. are dress up the blue/sliver.

Cheap change of the right looking wheel's can alter a car's looks
Silvery blue doesn't sound to girly.

I'd be more concerned about it being a French diesel ;)

Sound's like a pic's is need's.and photo non-colour change photoshop job/mod's trim do-dah wheel's etc etc. are dress up the blue/sliver.
Greatest. Post. Ever.
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If you are absolutely desperate a vinyl wrap might work; still expensive but at least it's reversible.

However there are hundreds of thousands of French hatchbacks out there, you must be able to find one with similar spec in colour you like?
lol, more a case of: mum pays for car, i get what given
she likes it and we've now found insurance for under £1500 for the both of us (direct line will do it fully comp for 1600 :o (<-- suposed to be a suprised face) compare the market couldnt find under 2200) so she says we buy it, im just wondering how to save my street cred ;)
Surely you can find one of a different colour? Will be the same to insure etc, it's not like the car will be different, just a different colour.
Wouldn't respraying the car a different colour class as a modification? No doubt declaring this to your insurer might up the premium a bit?

Sorry if this was mentioned, skipped the thread a bit
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