Could all car drivers please LOOK and then look again!

28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Sorry guys, this is a bit of a vent, but having just missed an accident on my bike by a few inches, I think I’m entitled.

Twice, twice this week a car driver has almost had me off – on Monday it was a guy pulling out of a side street about a car’s length in front of me, luckily it was town and rush hour, so the speeds were low. But the bloody idiot looked right at me, and then pulled out whilst merrily chatting away on this mobile. ****!

Then today, I decide to ride out a little further, so head into Wootton Bassett with a view of riding off to Avebury etc. I’m riding down the A3102 towards the high street (a 40 limit – I’m doing an indicated 38/39), coming up on my right is the petrol station, and I clock a silver Toyota Celica (the newer shaped one) – I know someone from the area with one, so I took an interest; yet still maintained good observation on the road and surrounds (no one in front of me at this point, nor was there anyone at the pedestrian crossing, only a red hatchback coming the opposite way that the MR2 was giving way to).

Anyway, I’m nearing the exit to the petrol station and would only have been 4-5 car lengths away from the entrance (where the MR2 is trying to get out from), when the guy pulls out – not booting it to beat me, the guy just trundles over the oncoming lane, into mine; by which point there’s 2 car lengths, if that, between us!

Luckily this weekend and the one before I spent a good few hours working on stopping quickly and safely, but sadly the car driver in me kicked in too, so a little too much back brake was given and I locked up. I managed to slow rapidly though, yet still had to take avoiding action and moved tight to the kerb, at this stage my front wheel was alongside is rear near-side.

Totally oblivious to what he’s just done he carries on like nothing happened :mad:

Now, I’m usually a very calm person, never been in a fight as I don’t let things get to me, but having suffered the misery of a crash last year, I was seeing red – I rode after the guy, stopped in front of him then went to voice my displeasure. The window came down the guy tried to apologise but I lost it, all I could think of was how this unobservant ****er could have put me in the hospital today, and I started shouting; finally having to walk away as I was close to punching him.

I’m not proud in any way, I was shaking like a leaf when I got back onto my bike, so much so that I had to park up and wait for about 10 minutes before I carried on, I felt like crying too; all I could think of was my accident. It really ****ed me up.

So, as the title says, and coming from someone who dearly loves biking and values their life, please for the love of god look twice!

Wow, probably one of the best responded to threads I have ever posted :D

Thanks you all for the replies, it’s very interesting hearing the views of other people – the thread itself wasn’t really directed at anyone here mind, so there’s no reason to feel aggrieved, but if it makes you think out on the road, then it’s a good thing – that’s what I thought when I ran through the event whilst laying in bed last night; the driver looked **** scared when I was ranting; if that makes him more wary on the road then you never know it may save a biker/other venerable road user the next time his sense takes a leave of absence.

I still think my DAS instructor was spot on though, if all car drivers were made to do a CBT before passing a car test, it would do them the world of good – I love being both a car driver and a motorcycle rider, I feel so much more alert and confident in the car, and on the bike I know how the drivers are thinking/feeling towards me. Sure there will be occasions where the unforeseeable will happen (like last night), but usually I am pretty good at reading drivers and second guessing what they’ll do, but on the bike or in the car; some people’s stupidity still baffles me (car or bike!).

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