Could anyone recomend a good IT training company?

18 Oct 2002
I'm seriously considering doing an A+ or N+ training course but I dont really know if one training company is better than another. I'm based on Maidstone, Kent and i'd obviously like to use a company as local as possible.

I dont need to pay? So how/where do i do it? I've been using PC's recreationally for about 15 years so i'm already fairly competent.
I dont need to pay? So how/where do i do it? I've been using PC's recreationally for about 15 years so i'm already fairly competent.

Some of the major training vendors provide samples of training materials for free. You can use these to get an idea of where you stand as far as being ready for the exam. For example, I found a free A+ study guide here:

See how much of the material you know, then you can evaluate your training needs from there.
Most courses are a waste of money do the self training courses via the comptia books. Buy the book which will be about £40 at most and then take the exam which costs about 150 for comptia.
You don't need to pay for training to do A+ or N+. They are very very easy if you know your way around computer.

I think thats a very misleading statement to make mate.
I'm I.T. Manager where i work, that is to say i manage the whole I.T. infrastructure consisting of 6 servers and over 60 clients, printers and other stuff, covering Exchange 2007, 2003 Ts, BES, etc
I've had to build/install/confure more than half of it myself.....
....i'm studying for my N+ and MSCA/E via distant learning. I've finished the N+ course and when doing test exams i can't get anywhere near the 80% pass rate.
This certainly doesn't mean i'm dumb, i manage to do my job (which i've been doing for 4 years now) without the need to remember answers to multiple choice questions.
My aim is to be experienced and qualified, but experience will always win hands down.
I've studied for the A+ twice, but never got round to doing the exams. Still i struggled to get 85% in test exams (i believe is the pass rate).
The exams are multiple choice and bloody pointless imho.
i work at this everyday and yet i can't answer all the questions correctly.
A lot of the stuff is irrelevent anyway.

I think the OP could do with a better informed reply than yours.
If you really think its that easy, then why not benefit the OP and even me with your wisdom.
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