Could I claim for this? (Shower accident)

19 Dec 2003
Hi folks,

Last week one evening I was in the shower at home, and the glass door CAME OFF, it's a bath-shower thing, the glass door is on a hinge, but the glass is NOT secured with a bolt etc, its only secured to the hinge via a rubber seal that it slots into to create a suction.

it knocked me over, I landed with all my weight on my arm, lucky not to break it, and was trapped by the glass door, as it had SMASHED into the bath cracking it, and wedging itself in, with me underneath! The gap was not big enough for me to crawl out, as the glass was basically covering the whole bath...Luckily its not a glass that shatters apparantly, but its heavy (takes 2 people to lift!) So you can imagine...!

Im lucky it didnt hit me in the head, or even shatter, but I had to call my dad and brother to get me out as I was stuck otherwise.

Hard to explain but anyway, I've got a really bruised arm from when it slammed against the side of the bath full force.
The manufacturer of the shower called today and wanted to replace the bath and shower (by the sounds of it free of charge...Is that guilt?) They then said that they dont make them like that anymore (suction sealing glass etc).

If this was the USA i'd sue obviously (lol) but I just wondered if I have any grounds for compensation?
if you can prove it. Having said that, this forum wont be of much help. Hope you are wearing a flame suit. :p
That sounds really dangerous. No wonder they changed the design. I'm sure you could claim some compensation if you were the type of person to persue that sort of thing.
Has the accident caused you any loss of earnings? If not then just leave it man, it was an accident and they're replacing the shower.

Compensation culture for the lose.
I aplogise in advance for not being very helpful but

ROFL !!! .... I'm sorry but I just have an image of you naked trapped by your shower door .. everyone is looking at me now because I am actually laughing my butt off :o

If you're not too badly hurt I'd just say let them replace it FOC with the new unit and maybe get some vouchers off them or something :)
Phone the NAH or your local solicitor, they'll be the ones that'll take on your claim or not so will be in a far better position to advise :)
I just wondered if it was 'the right thing to do'

At least we reported it, it must be a design fault, I just hope no one with the same shower has a problem.

Im ok, and to be fair just thankful nothing worse happened, so I wont pursue any money or anything.

Piggymon, you blatantly know it turns you on, so dont even think about laughing ;)

But seriously, it was like Final Destination, in fact, if the plug hole had been down, and no one was in, i'd have drowned because there was literally no way out, the glass door is curved, and it was curved OVER me! :| :eek:
Otacon said:
Has the accident caused you any loss of earnings? If not then just leave it man, it was an accident and they're replacing the shower.

Compensation culture for the lose.

Arf arf :o :/
Piggymon said:
ROFL !!! .... I'm sorry but I just have an image of you naked trapped by your shower door .. everyone is looking at me now because I am actually laughing my butt off :o

Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that found it funny. :D

Can't be of any help, sorry. :o
Siders77 said:
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that found it funny. :D

Can't be of any help, sorry. :o

I did feel really bad for laughing and was awaiting flamage but guess what ?

Personally although it does sound really dangerous, you don't have enough grounds for a claim. You have suffered no injuries, there was no time off work. You need to prove negligence, and prove loss.
Piggymon said:
I did feel really bad for laughing and was awaiting flamage but guess what ?


I see him stuck under the door, naked, wet, on the phone to "Injury Lawyers 4U"

Rolf McRoffles
Piggymon said:
I aplogise in advance for not being very helpful but

ROFL !!! .... I'm sorry but I just have an image of you naked trapped by your shower door .. everyone is looking at me now because I am actually laughing my butt off :o

If you're not too badly hurt I'd just say let them replace it FOC with the new unit and maybe get some vouchers off them or something :)

i thought that too piggy, and his brother and dad had to find him nakeds :D
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