Crysis Media Blowout

im glad you reposted mate because i dont think ive seen this. i'll check the link when im restrictions
Awesome, looking forward to this more than bioshock.
me too, not interested in bioshock.
same here, iv not even got the bioshock demo, its crysis all the way for me.
Bioshock isn't my kind of game really, looks fantastic though!

Crysis it is :D

Thank god im not the only who isn't interested in Bioshock! I too believe Crysis will be far superior than that generic shooter.
KNiVES said:
It's quite funny, I don't think Crysis will score anywhere near as high as Bioshock.

Ive just played the bioshock demo mate an dim sorry to say that judging from the crysis videos i have seen. Crysis will blow bioshock out of the water.
Hey, it's not me you should be saying sorry to, I have Bioshock on Steam, as well as Crysis on pre-order, and besides, I seriously doubt Crysis will get consistent 97-100% scores like Bioshock has been. It's just not got what it takes to be one of the top classics. Pretty jungles and an open environment can only go so far with a brain-dead plot, paper-thin main character and concepts that have been done to absolute death in the FPS genre.
KNiVES said:
It's quite funny, I don't think Crysis will score anywhere near as high as Bioshock.

how could it? it'd have to get like all perfect 10's too beat it. Crysis will be good, probably 8.5/10 underneath the great graphics and physics its looking like a fairly generic shooter, with rubbish A.I.
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