Cure for HIV?

the_brainaic said:

I'm not sure if I should believe this or not - coming from Nigeria makes the claim seem a bit dodgy!

is he asking for you to send him £600 for more details? if so, i'd be very suspicious

"I will publicly take HIV-infected blood - fresh blood - and I'll inject myself publicly.

"If I fail to develop HIV, having done that, that is scientific proof that something is preventing me from catching it - the vaccine."

he's brave
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spirit said:
afaik don't some people just not get it and they dont know why ?

So rumour has it, although I'd imagine that the report of that would be based on people who should have been in the position to contract it but haven't (rather than forced experiments injecting someone with HIV) - but this may also be due to possible confusion over likelihood and method of contraction...

There are a number of ways in which a person can be exposed to HIV, although HIV has a very short lifespan outside of the body so if certain fluids are exposed to air they might not be ale to infect. I also believe it harder for a woman to infect a man than vice-versa...

Although there is immunity to other blood conditions (such as hepatitis), so it may be possible that a person is HIV immune
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