Current fave dance tune?

11 Jul 2004
Do tell! Just the ONE 'i cant decide' posts listing about 10 different tunes! :) One! Only one...the one of the moment...

Mine..well, in my ears is :E - Craig - 1st Time (212 Dub)

It's amazing! Don't know how old it is..but never heard it before. Harder than my usual listenings..but very good.
Damn that's mean only letting me choose one!! Ratty - Sunrise (preferably the mix Marco V played when i saw him last) because i was almost in tears when he dropped it. I had no idea of the song name at the time but i was so incredibly happy at that moment, surrounded by hundreds of people enjoying the music and the amazing atmopshere.

Awesome tunage and memories :D

EDIT\\ Your track was released last month (in holland) :)
2nd EDIT\\ I changed my song (sorry! i removed the old one though)
3rd EDIT\\ Can you add me to msn please? peter_maskell_is AT, ta
Last edited:
Good lad; the rules are there and all must obide by them!

You heard that tune then? How good is it! Proper puts me in the mood..and it's only Wednesday.

I'll look for a sample of the one you suggested. :)
Sorry guys, not a trance master like yourselves so I'm gonna go for something that seems to have crossed the genre's board.

DJ Rooster & Sammy Peralta - Shake It (Steve Agnello Mix)
It's a tough track but rocks clubs wherever.

You may prefer the Robbie Riviera Mix
krooton said:
Yuck, I hate that track :p

Cheesiest melody evar *duck*

you had best duck boyo!

I could have posted some scouse house that im liking atm.

Out of interest Kroot0n do you know what scouse house is?
Me and Pete (Grrrrr) were talking the other day and as he isnt
northern he didnt seem to know what it was, until i sent him some :p

-=BAF=-AXE said:
you had best duck boyo!

I could have posted some scouse house that im liking atm.

Out of interest Kroot0n do you know what scouse house is?
Me and Pete (Grrrrr) were talking the other day and as he isnt
northern he didnt seem to know what it was, until i sent him some :p


I've had the pleasure, and it isn't for me, hehe
Knew it wouldnt be your scene just wondered
if you had heard of / any!

It is big up here and TBH i can "buzz" to it tbh, i have to
say im partial to a bit of cheese, and chav clubbing but..........

I know where my passion lies!

Slightly OT:

Back in london on the sugust bank holiday weekend for the rugby,
so want to get one night out sorted, Aug 25 or 26!
Anything jumpout for you on those dates, ideally id have been
at creamfields :( but the rugby @ Twick has to come first

Edit: Checked and doesnt look like ppl plan that far ahead Sod all on DSI

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