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Customer service regarding the RTX 3080 and the queues

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5 Dec 2020
I dont want to harp on but after an hour on hold with no answer (yea no sod that) and an order pending from mid October for an MSI Gaming X trio 3080 the urine has been thoroughly extracted.

As of the Saturday no reply update I am at 800 in the queue.

I don't want to "Karen" here but seriously OCUK what the ever living **** are you doing?
I get it, you got your money and **** the customer service, but for a product that costs in excess of £800.00 with delivery you really have ripped the **** out of this to the point of defining the "sunk cost fallacy" to a near dictionary term.

I called with one simple intent, as the 3070's backorders have apparently been fulfilled I had the insane idea that perhaps downgrading my order may not be the worst thing in the world considering that the 3080 I ordered would likely not be delivered to (at this rate) early to mid March.
An hour on hold later and yea... i'm done.

This was my first order through OCUK and honestly, poor launch notwithstanding as an excuse, it will be my last.

I have worked customer service from phone monkey, through floorwalking, SME and TL levels across multiple companies and campaigns and honestly I have NEVER seen anything close to this level of utter failure when it comes to customer journey time, customer care and general ability to retain good will.

Yes covid is an issue but by your own continued narration during your "on hold" recording you have this under control in house but what galls me more than anything is the constant "your call is important to us" which after an hour honestly feels both mocking and false.

rant over...

TLDNR: Customer service failure, delay on product and insanely long hold time on customer service line with no answer = last time I can justify shopping with OCUK
22 May 2010
Post in customer service section of the forum, someone will help you out there. Screaming in here will not get you anywhere as many others have done the same.

The lack of stock is not ocuk's fault, you'll need to rant over on the nvidia forums for that.

They're trying to update everyone as soon as they get info, if theres no info theres no update.
31 Aug 2013
Anything! something? ...i dont know anymore, just frustrated at this stage to the point of gnawing on the drywall

Forget about it for now. Play some games in your backlog. I waited two months for my 3080. I was also frustrated to begin with then I realised it wasn't doing me any good. I stopped checking, stopped worrying about it and carried on as normal.
22 May 2010
Forget about it for now. Play some games in your backlog. I waited two months for my 3080. I was also frustrated to begin with then I realised it wasn't doing me any good. I stopped checking, stopped worrying about it and carried on as normal.
Best advice so far this :D
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