CyanogenMod flashing, what am I doing wrong!?

26 Jun 2005
Ok, so I've unlocked the boot loader on my N1 and I'm stuck trying to install the Recovery process.

The command is supposed to be:
fastboot flash recovery /path/to/recovery-RA-nexus-v2.1.1-CM.img

I have the recovery image in my C:\Android\Recovery folder. So should this be my command line?

fastboot flash recovery /C:/Android/Recovery/recovery-RA-passion-v2.2.1-CM.img

I've tried it numerous times and I'm not sure if it has worked or not as nothing seems to change on the screen of the phone.

Any ideas? I think my path / and \'s may be incorrect...
you are in the directory where fastboot lives right?

so when you go into command prompt

cd \Android\Recovery

fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-passion-v2.2.1-CM.img
You should put the recovery img on the root of your phones sdcard, and then point to that, e.g.

fastboot flash recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-nexus-v2.1.1-CM.img

Although I usually rename the recovery file to recovery.img so its quicker to type.

Providing you have the fastboot drivers installed/working.


The above is for running the command on your phone. If you have a terminal open on your machine, the best bet is to cd into the directory that has the recovery file in it and use a relative path, e.g.

cd c:\Android\Recovery
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-nexus-v2.1.1-CM.img
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Thanks guys, I've just done that and according to the Terminal the Image was written, however when I boot up the phone I don't get anything different, nothing changed on the phone during the process.

I'm stumped!

On the phones boot screen it says

etc etc

Is the SHIP S-ON a lock as well and should that be OFF?
If so how?
Looks like your booting into the bootloader, not the recovery - in the bootloader there is an option to get into the recovery, try selecting that and see what happens.

Or if you have adb setup and the phone is booted up, in an adb shell type:

reboot recovery

Pretty sure you dont need to be S-Off to flash a recovery
When I boot into Fastboot Bootloader there is no option for Recovery just:
Reboot Bootloader

If I go into Bootloader, it goes to HBOOT and won' let me make any choices, it sits for a few seconds then starts SD Checking.....and finds (I think) a ZIP image on there, then it gives me the following options:

Parsing....[SD ZIP]
1 Boot
2 Bootloader
3 Radio_v2
4 Recovery
5 SP_Custom
6 Splash1
7 System
8 Userdata
Do you want to start Update?

If I click on Recovery I get a Warning triangle above an Android figure and nothing else. No button presses can get me back and I have to pull the battery to get out of it.

From what I've read on the CM forums I shouldn't need S-Off, I don't think.
Pretty sure that to get the directory right there's an easier way (at least in Windows 7), put the recovery image in the same folder as fastboot then: hold shift whilst right clicking on an empty space in that folder and there should be an option of "Open a command window here". Then you should just be able to put "
fastboot flash recovery /path/to/recovery-RA-nexus-v2.1.1-CM.img" straight into the command window and off you go :) . Make sure the phone is definitely in fastboot mode though.
I've never owned a Nexus One, but I still have my Desire around here which is basically the same phone - and I was up and rooted no problem without S-Off.

The Cyanogenmod wiki ( ) says:
Press down on the Trackball & hold the Power button until the device boots to the bootloader. Once in the bootloader, press the Power button once, use Volume Down to select "recovery" and press the Power button to select.

Make sure you dont have any zip files the bootloader checks for in the root of your SD card whilst trying this though, you may have one left over from the rooting process.

As an aside, are you following this guide: ?
BINGO! Thanks everyone, got there now. I had the Recovery image in another folder within Android which didn't haved the fastboot.exe.... ARRGH! What a dunce!

Magik5, yes, following the CM Wiki. There was an old ZIP on the SD card from rooting, that explains why it took a while to get to the recovery option.

Almost back to normal, just need to re-install my essential apps and away I go!

Cheers all.
You need to be S-OFF.

This might help, I don't have your phone.

You need S-OFF, at least I did when I had my Nexus One.

You won't get s-off on your N1! Unlocking your Bootloader circumvents the need to be s-off. The only Nexus Ones in existence with s-off are what they called 'Holiday' phones. Devices that were given to Googlers and special devs.

There are only 12 or so that i have seen in the wild.

Using Fastboot with the Bootloader unlocked is the much easier and safer method of flashing images to your phone, which is why the N1 was so nice!
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