D40 - Lens Advice

24 Aug 2003
This post may ramble... I apologise in advance.

I'm going to buy a D40, now it comes with the 18-55mm kit lens, but I wondering whether to sell it and buy an 18-70mm from the start?

It looks like I could sell the 18-55mm for ~£80,
I can buy an 18-70mm 2nd hand for ~£120 or brandnew (from the UK) for £180 - and then sell it again for probably ~£120 if/when I wanted to upgrade.

I shoot a bit of everything but landscapes are mainly my thing

In the long run I was planning on building up a lens collection with something like: a 10-20, 18-200 and a 50 prime.

So what do people think, would the extra 15mm be worth ~£40 - or should I "save" the £80 and put that towards a bigger lens at a later date?


EDIT: The 18-70mm in question is the "other" kit lens from the D80 etc... (just to clarify)
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personaly, unless the 70mm you have seen is very fast aperature, then I woudl keep the kit lens, and maybe go for a 70- 300 telephoto.

that way if you want the 70mm you have it at the lowest Fnumber for the lens, and that gives you more of a range for the "I shoot a bit of everything but landscapes are mainly my thing"

from what I understand, landscapes want the widest lens possible, so an extra 15mm isnt going to help you for them, and paying for the extra wont really give you much benifit if it is the same kind of qulaity.

of course, I am something of a newbie so I could be translating things totally wrong.
The 18-70 lens is a cracking bit of kit.
Quite a few examples on Dpreview of the 18-70 in use and it can produce some stunning images.
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