DA O ultimate on steam sale.

24 Oct 2005
North East
Was wondering if ppl thought i might like this or not.

I like kotor games and i kinda liked DA 1 tho i didnt finish it and gave up after a little bit i dunno why.

I wanted to like mass effect but after loosing a save for me1 i never really wanted to try playing it again as i hate redoing stuff. Bought all 3 as well never played 2 or 3. :( Just too hard to get into as not easy to play i thought.

Never liked balders gate or nwn. Too hard to get into i dont like building characters that much or long drawn out cutscenes or conversations.

I have witcher 1 but dont like it as it had this requirement to use 3 difference stances depending on the enemy, too much micro for me :( Plus it had a bad case of loads of leveling up with abilities i hated. Shame cos it sounded good and well reviewed.

So just wondering, is DAO easy to play as in not faf on about lists of abilities to track and update all the time, collecting stuff tho loot is fine for me. No long drawn out cutscens or heavy dialogue situations where im stuck watching and not playing. I just wana play like pick a character level up a few things like strength and agility etc loot things and be stronger that way and avoid microing my character/s. Just wana be strong as i gain items, enjoy the story, play through it easily. As i have very limited attention span for games these days. So its simple games for me.

I just want a new rpg to try and get into as ones i liked are few and far between like kotor 1 and 2. Just with it being on steam sale for 6 quid i thought it might be worth a punt. I looked at some reviews and a lets play but the lets play had a guy constantly on menus all the time leveling or checking things which i want to avoid. Hoping it was just him and i might be ok avoiding it if i got it or not.
DAO is awesome, buy it you will love it. Then once you're done with it you'll want to go through ME trilogy because they are essentially more of the same in space with guns and biotic powers.
Doh silly me for some reason I thought da: origins was the second game but its the first which I already have on origin due to it being free iirc. Ah well.
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From what you've said I think you'd hate Inquisition. Try jumping straight into ME2, by far the best of the trilogy and very kotor-y.
For me it was the other way round, I couldn't get into Dragon Age: Origins at all and that was that. Then fast forward a few years til Xbone and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Now that is a fantastic game. I played about 120 hours of it.

And that made me want to see what all the fuss was with The Champion of Kirkwall and the Hero of Ferelden, etc. So I went back and bizarrely DA:O just clicked right away. I ended up playing it about 3-4 times and then went on to Dragon Age II which was a bit lacklustre but filled in some of the back story. Though I never did get the DLC which introduced Corypheus.
DA:O has quite a lot of micro management in the combat - the AI isn't so hot so you have to keep telling your party what to do.

I find DA: Inquisition has more fluid combat - you don't need to micro manage your party barely at all (at normal difficulty anyway) and can just get on with combat.

But both have a LOT of dialogue and cut scenes though. So if that's not your cup of tea you might not like either. Personally I really enjoyed the story in both, especially DA:I which I felt was a real return to form for Bioware.

As Sleepery has suggested, I'd try ME2. It's a wonderful game, full of action and whilst there's lots of dialogue and cut scenes too, it doesn't dominate in the way it does in the DA games. ME2 is also a VASTLY better game than ME1. Skip ME1 and give ME2 a try (it doesn't really matter from a story point of view).
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