Darkfall.... the most revolutionary mmorpg to date?

23 Jan 2006
Up a Tree...
helllo guys,

i only found this today just browsing on youtube.
but i heard its been in the works for years,

what do you guys think of it... your thoughts... feelings..
i have been down the addiction on mmorpg's, so i dont really another one,

but... i think this answers all my wants in a mmo!

have a look at the video: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_bYYT6Wg3Gg
there is not many video's only two i believe as its still under wraps.
and those vids are quite old.

this is the official website:

i couldnt find a thread related on here, (unless someone points it out)

but i think. this mmo if they get it right, could be great!
i guess we shall see... beta i heard could be soon, (hopefully)
even though there is closed clan beta at the moment.

so yea...
what is your thoughts?...
hmm seems like a game where he who makes the most friends wins, i dont mind that, looks nice but would drive away those who didnt come with friends as they would get raped...repeatedly

if this game ever does go gold, im up for a OcUK guild, lets face it, if we got enough ocukers interested wed have a head start lol
might be on their site somewhere, im not fussed either way, if its as good as its advertising makes it look, i dont mind paying a reasonable sub
Meh another fantasy mmo. Cant they think up somit else that doesnt involve questing with wizards and warriors and the like.

Wouldnt mind seeing a footy mmo, better than eve mmo, a car mmo (not semi mmo like tdu), a gta style mmo, a full proper ww2 mmo in the style of mohaa, a fps shooter mmo.

Hmm after watching the vid this isnt too bad, its fps view and acts like it.
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looks amazing but are all those features really possible within a game :confused:

If they can do then yeah this is the future but i can see it being too much and needing a 'Stalker@ like reduction to make it feasible
SkeeterPSA said:
Meh another fantasy mmo. Cant they think up somit else that doesnt involve questing with wizards and warriors and the like.

Wouldnt mind seeing a footy mmo, better than eve mmo, a car mmo (not semi mmo like tdu), a gta style mmo, a full proper ww2 mmo in the style of mohaa, a fps shooter mmo.

Hmm after watching the vid this isnt too bad, its fps view and acts like it.

isnt there a football manager live comming out soon?? i thought that was basically a footy mmo, i might be wrong though?
Does it have player housing? I want a place to call my home and drive me to defend it. So many MMORPGs leave out that important part these days. And I want to see players being able to be unique and have unique playing styles. Not: "I am a mage, I stay back and heal people and throw the occasional fireball."

I want to be able to pick and choose exactly how my character turns out. Something Deus Ex style would be pretty cool but in abilitys and not augmentations of course.

EDIT: Just watched the video. Seems like I got all my wishes in one ;)

One of the things that strikes me is that the graphics look like they are WoW era. Not exactly the most impressive. Let's hope that doesn't turn people off it.

Also it involves player controlled combat which will give them an amount of problems lag wise.

The main reason most MMORPGs go with the point and click to attack a monster style is because it saves a hell of a lot on packet transfers. The server can work out how your battles going and won't need to send any data apart from the occasional "you just hit x with y" to make a hit show up on your screen. This means they can use the UDP protocol which is quite lossful but results in smooth looking battles.

When you have direct combat you have to take all the data such as where exactly you are pointing, when exactly you fire, where exactly your opponent is and which direction he's facing etc.. Basically this means they have to use the TCP protocol to ensure that all the data is accurate or you'll get a bunch of people say "Oi, I was right behind him and fired at his head but my shot never registered!". TCP is lossless and so takes a lot more packets to transfer as well as a lot of ISPs not dealing with it well as they much prefer UDP because it makes it look like you've got a faster network connection then you actually do.

There was a great explanation of this on the battleground europe forums from a Dev there but I can't link you to it as it's internal to registered players only. here is a quote from the Dev himself that probably explains it better then I can:

BLOO said:
The foremost reason is that the PvP and Simulation nature of our product requires that we not allow any loss of data. For this reason we use the same, reliable, network protocol that applications such as web browsers and mail software use (TCP). Other games largely use a "lossy" protocol (UDP). As a result some of the hacks and tweaks that Web accelerators and some networking products employ to give the appearance of a faster internet connection can directly impact our product, usually by disabling or crippling the "good neighbor" aspects of the TCP protocol.

It's easy to compare our game against others such as Eve and WoW and find it wanting in certain aspects - both these games display similar concentrations of players to our game, and both of them have heavy PvP elements.

However, unlike our game, they both rely on targeting systems rather than player "twitch" skills, and neither of them is overly concerned with collision physics and concealment, so the accuracy with which you can see an enemy isn't of great concern. WoW simply sends vastly less updates as visible players increase, and Eve minimizes the number of potential updates that can be generated in any area by using simple trajectories for all moving objects, and severely limiting the frequency with which a player can change them.

Imagine if, as an infantryman, plane or tanker, you could only move by clicking the location on the ground you wish to move to, and only being allowed to enter a new click once every 5 seconds.

So if you have 10,000 players in Darkfall all fighting and your connection is trying to take in all that data at once it just won't work. Max that a well coded game could do would be maybe 500 at a guess and that's pushing it with a very good server set up on their side. Now you probably won't ever have 500 players in the same place doing network intensive stuff.. until you get these epic battles they're talking about. Unless they start losing accuracy in favour of less lag then you're gonna be seeing players warp all over the place.
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'revoluationary' 'features'

I got bored barely half way through watching that video. What exactly is supposed to be impressing me so much? Looks just like every other game i have ever seen.
Footy game not a manager game, i meant, somit like a world wide version with all leagues in the world in, with no actual footy players just gamers playing in teams, with some way to have actual seasons etc, where everyone is playing each of the players in the leagues. No ai in teams etc.
Heh I'll believe it when I see it. There's always someone out there promising this, the game either never matierialises or is released in some amazingly cut down form with promises of "improvement"

Wouldn't get too excited about it if I were you.
You know what's sickening?

This is basically exactly the same as SWG, just set in a fantasy world instead of the Star Wars world.

It's so funny the way everyone says "Yes, FINALLY", when the best has already been and gone. :(
Zefan said:
You know what's sickening?

This is basically exactly the same as SWG, just set in a fantasy world instead of the Star Wars world.

It's so funny the way everyone says "Yes, FINALLY", when the best has already been and gone. :(

That's just your opinion as to the best. I never saw SWG as a great MMORPG. I found it so boring. I much prefered Asherons Call.

I do like the look of Darkfall mainly because of the freedom aspect of it. You find a sword, pick it up and then leather the hell out of anything that comes near you!

m4cc45 said:
I do like the look of Darkfall mainly because of the freedom aspect of it. You find a sword, pick it up and then leather the hell out of anything that comes near you!

Real time weapon change :eek: ? What next?

I wouldn't exactly call that feature original, unique or exciting.
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