David Cameron now such a celeb that his hairstyle is apparently news

Visage said:
Why dont they report on all of his policies?

Oh, hang on......

Why must you constantly focus on the fact that he has not unveiled policies when it is not an appriate time for him to unveil policies?

Do you have any actual reason to dislike the man other than your seeming penchant for NuLabour?
cleanbluesky said:
Why must you constantly focus on the fact that he has not unveiled policies when it is not an appriate time for him to unveil policies?

Erm....beacuse he's a politician? Presumably he would like for people to vote for him, and (feel free to call me old fashioned here), I'd rather have a reason to vote for him over and above the fact that he's not Tony Blair.....

I wouldnt be so bad if he refrained form criticising others for their policies, but the fact that he's presented no alternatives makes him look like someone who's only contribution to British political life is to stand on the sidelines sniping.

Do you have any actual reason to dislike the man other than your seeming penchant for NuLabour?

I dont have a penchant for any party, but I do have a penchant for policies.

They get me rather hot.
Visage said:
Erm....beacuse he's a politician? Presumably he would like for people to vote for him, and (feel free to call me old fashioned here), I'd rather have a reason to vote for him over and above the fact that he's not Tony Blair.....

I wouldnt be so bad if he refrained form criticising others for their policies, but the fact that he's presented no alternatives makes him look like someone who's only contribution to British political life is to stand on the sidelines sniping.

Perhaps it is old fashioned, but whilst he is a politician and politicians often have certain expectations for them - he clearly knows what he is doing, as reflected in popularity polls.

The idea of proponing values rather than specific promises (at least for the moment) clearly seems to be effective
cleanbluesky said:
Perhaps it is old fashioned, but whilst he is a politician and politicians often have certain expectations for them - he clearly knows what he is doing, as reflected in popularity polls.

The idea of proponing values rather than specific promises (at least for the moment) clearly seems to be effective

I'd suggest that his position in the polls is more down to the unpopularity of Labour, rather than anything he's done or is doing.....

In that regard I can see why he's not releasing any policies - why risk upsetting the elctorate with some hard truths?
hairdresser Roger Craig said:
I have always kept mine on the right and was always led to believe that real men put their partings on the right hand side

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... *gasp* ...ahahahahahahahahahah...

... and so forth.
As I think CBS was implying, the appropriate time to announce firm policies is when an election is actually coming up, until then he has little to gain. Affirming his beliefs, such as his recent pronouncements on the necessity of families is of more use to him atm, he gets his message out there and his opponents have nothing to sink their teeth into, apart from bleating about his "lack of policies".
bam0 said:
As I think CBS was implying, the appropriate time to announce firm policies is when an election is actually coming up, until then he has little to gain. Affirming his beliefs, such as his recent pronouncements on the necessity of families is of more use to him atm, he gets his message out there and his opponents have nothing to sink their teeth into, apart from bleating about his "lack of policies".

I can see that point, but one cannot at the same time feel any confidence in his poll ratings.

If Cameron was polling at 40% on the back of a popular manifesto then I'd be a lot more confident about their electoral chances than I would be if its based on Labour (and more specifically Blair) being unpopular.
Incidentally, when Camron sattes his 'beleifs', one should always use the tried and tested trick of considering their antonyms.

So when he says 'I beleive in a strong justice system' - could one ever consider a politician saying 'I think the justice system should be weaker'?

COnsidered like this he doesnt really say anything of note at all.
Visage said:
I can see that point, but one cannot at the same time feel any confidence in his poll ratings.

If Cameron was polling at 40% on the back of a popular manifesto then I'd be a lot more confident about their electoral chances than I would be if its based on Labour (and more specifically Blair) being unpopular.
He is probably polling high on the back of things he has said resonating with people, who are equally annoyed at the current government. What do the polls really mean to you or I outside of election times? He is garnering interest and you can be sure when he does announce policies everyone will know about it, that's the time to watch the polls.
bam0 said:
He is probably polling high on the back of things he has said resonating with people, who are equally annoyed at the current government. What do the polls really mean to you or I outside of election times? He is garnering interest and you can be sure when he does announce policies everyone will know about it, that's the time to watch the polls.

Fair points. I sometimes forget that not everyone shares my psephological obsession.
Visage said:
Incidentally, when Camron sattes his 'beleifs', one should always use the tried and tested trick of considering their antonyms.

So when he says 'I beleive in a strong justice system' - could one ever consider a politician saying 'I think the justice system should be weaker'?

COnsidered like this he doesnt really say anything of note at all.
There are some platitudes you are going to hear time and again, the above seems to be one of them. His statement of scrapping the ID scheme and implementing a border control force seems to be saying something, the recent statement that more should be done to support a cohesive family unit such as reintroducing the married couples tax allowance also.
Visage said:
Fair points. I sometimes forget that not everyone shares my psephological obsession.
I am very interested in the elections, I just think the value of polls, outside of election times, is not in a predictive capacity of who the people would actually vote for in an election tomorrow.
Visage said:
COnsidered like this he doesnt really say anything of note at all.
That reminds me of someone. :D


That said where are labours policies on anything at all and when they do claim to have a policy does it really mean anything anyway?

Tough on crime tough on the causes of crime ... bwahahahahahahaha

Education, education, education..... bwahahahahahaha

A "policy" is now nothing more than another pointless soundbyte and piece of spin because you can't believe it anyway.

Judge by results not empty words.
Sounds indicitve of all politicians tbh. All very good with their sound bites and jingoism. Can anyone remember the last time any Politician said anything that either inspired you or made you stand up and listen ?
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