DC Fontana gig tonight in Newcasle-u-Lyme

27 Nov 2002
Hi folks,

I know there's a few west mids people on here who have expressed an interest in my band DC Fontana at one point or another.

Tonight we're playing at the Old Brown Jug in Bridge Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Local support band The Black Apples are on at 9, and we're on at 10pm for a one hour set. If any local OCUKers are at a loose end tonight, do come down and say hi! :)
Sorry mate I'm at Chaplins in Hanley.
BTW the Old Brown Jug may be losing it's music license because of complaints.

I'm surprised The Black Apples are supporting because they can usually fill a pub on their own so expect a lot of their fans in there.
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