de Blob for the Wii

2 Sep 2008
This game is absolutely fantastic :eek:

The world has been invaded by Inkies who've sucked all the colour out of it, you control a blob that can pick up colour held in Paint Bots scattered around and bump into buildings to paint them. There are also different patterns that you can pick up which paints a building in a two tone pattern using the colour you've picked up. And that is about it. There are various missions that you have to complete to increase your time limit, and they tend to involve painting certain buildings certain colours.

On paper, this game should be boring. All you're doing is running and jumping around painting after all. :confused: But it's pure, unadulterated FUN!!!

What makes the game great is the music I think. When you start painting the music starts to build up, and different colours are associated with different instruments. The music is jazz/funk fusion and is quite possibly the best music I've heard in a game. As you complete levels it unlocks them in Free Paint mode which allows you to paint what you like, whatever colour and patterns you want. The other day I spent 1 hour 6 minutes doing just that!!! :)

I'd wholeheartedly recommend this, if you have a Wii you should go out and buy it as soon as possible!
You really can't go wrong getting it, and THQ have announced that it'll be going multi-platform too. This game deserves to sell a shedload. And the students that came up with the original idea have used the money from THQ to set up their own development studio. Last I heard they were working on a WiiWare title. If it's half as good as de Blob I'll jump on it!!! :D
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