debit card details being held wiithout my permission

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
A while ago I used my debit card as a proof of Id in a shop. Whilst I complied with this request-much to my later regret: it has since transpired that this shop has retaind my details without my permission and still has them in some form to this date. At the time I assumed it was solely being used as a form of proof of Id not that the details would be kept. It has since transpired that my account has also been robbed and though I have got my bank to reimburse me for the amount I have had stolen I cannot help thinking that they should not have my details without my consent. How do I stand legally about this. I mean I have never purchased anything from the shop and cannot see why they would wish to keep my details anyway? Can I sue etc?
Well the first thing i would do is ask the bank for a new debit card, which will have new number and expiry date etc, and then cancel the old one.
*tries to remember from those boring ICT lessons*

As far as I can remember, which isn't very far, as long as they are using that information in the way they told the Information Commissioner they would, they are allowed to keep it a length of time reasonable for its purpose.

Not too sure how that affects you, so I'll shut up now :confused:
Dolph said:
Under the data protection act, you have a right to know what information they hold and a right to ensure the information is correct.

You don't have the right to demand the information is deleted, only that it is only used for certain purposes such that the company declared.

I understand that and I am greatful for the input but the shop didn't declare they were going to use it let alone hang on to any details. It is for this reason I feel I was duped: Not to mention the 250 gbp that was nicked after this event occurred :eek:

I believe I might have a case here: "Require that data is not used in a way which causes damage or distress." Well, the paper trail of the actual fraud leads here and I shall be in direct contact with the bank's fraud squad this week so it is going to be a very interesting week for that shop methinks.
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Unfortunatley there isn't much you can do, the data protection act is completley crap. I would bet in the usa you can get your info deleted just like that.
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