Decent front tyre replacement?

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Deleted User 298457

Deleted User 298457

The trigger sport black bait(?) front wheel has a big bulge where the sidewall has given way. Disappointed given it has hardly been used. Anyway, is there a recommendation? It is a 700x38c (38-622) - I have just bought a 700x30c inner tube (is that right?).

The trigger sport black bait(?) front wheel has a big bulge where the sidewall has given way. Disappointed given it has hardly been used. Anyway, is there a recommendation? It is a 700x38c (38-622) - I have just bought a 700x30c inner tube (is that right?).


Sorry, no idea about knobbly tyres as I only do road riding. The inner tube will have a range normally, so it will say 700 x 28-38 for example, so for a 38 tyre the inner tube will be fine. For your 38 tyre, you need to see if your inner tube range goes to a 38. So if its 700 x 30-38 it will be fine but if it is 700 x 23-30 say then it wont be. Basically you match the width of the inner tube to the width of the tyre
Thanks @Bear

Weird situation - I bought a brand new Schwalbe inner tube and pumped it to 100psi (is that too much? :confused:) and it went bang around 95psi...

These tyres are insanely tight to remove and refit too.

Anyway, I patched the exploded tube and it was fine for a bit but I went to use the bike earlier today and it was totally flat. I have ordered a new Shwalbe AV17.

I think I just need to bite the bullet and swap the tyres too. Any recommendations folks? This is what I have a the moment.

Thanks @Bear

Weird situation - I bought a brand new Schwalbe inner tube and pumped it to 100psi (is that too much? :confused:) and it went bang around 95psi...

These tyres are insanely tight to remove and refit too.

Anyway, I patched the exploded tube and it was fine for a bit but I went to use the bike earlier today and it was totally flat. I have ordered a new Shwalbe AV17.


Im not surprised it went bang if it was a 38c :cry: I would expect a 38c to be somewhere in the region of ~50psi at a guess? A 25c would be max of 100psi, my 32c touring bike has a max pressure of 75psi. The maximum pressure should be on the sidewall of the tyre.

Yeah, some tyres are insanely hard to put on and get off unfortunately
Total weight of me kitted out and my Voodoo Marasa hybrid commuter is sadly ~100Kg these days (bike ~13.5Kg). I inflate the 40mm Vee Speedster on the rear to ~70PSI and the 35mm (really ~33mm) Marathon Supreme currently on the front to ~65PSI, both with innertubes.

On a working tubeless setup, which removes the risk of impact snakebite punctures, you could probably reduce the above pressures by ~20PSI at both ends. This would give more comfort and more grip, at the cost of extra rubber wear compared to higher pressures.
Total weight of me kitted out and my Voodoo Marasa hybrid commuter is sadly ~100Kg these days (bike ~13.5Kg). I inflate the 40mm Vee Speedster on the rear to ~70PSI and the 35mm (really ~33mm) Marathon Supreme currently on the front to ~65PSI, both with innertubes.

On a working tubeless setup, which removes the risk of impact snakebite punctures, you could probably reduce the above pressures by ~20PSI at both ends. This would give more comfort and more grip, at the cost of extra rubber wear compared to higher pressures.

Any grumbles with a tyre such as:

They're £25 a go which seems OK but I have no idea?

They are virtually bullet proof and heavy but you wont get punctures very often. They have a wire bead which in my experience are a nightmare to get on and off but you get used to it after a while and learn how best to do it. Hopefully you wont have to do it very often unless you are unlucky

I've never had Marathon Greenguards, but they are well regarded by for a budget tyre with decent puncture protection. Bit heavy, partly down to a wire bead, but tyres at the budget end are usually wire bead rather than folding... Usually not a big deal for commuting IMO.

Some Marathon models are a pig to fit, I remember taking best part of an hour to fit a pair of Marathon Plus to my old commuter over 10 years ago! :eek:

However, I can happily fit my pair of 38mm Marathon Cross and my 35mm Marathon Supreme by hand within ~90 seconds per tyre. (great site for bike bits) has the 35mm Marathon Greenguard for £17 each.
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