Decent headphones with 3.5mm jack ?

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
As title looking for some "decent" headphones for my Logitech Z680's.

PC is in same room as TV ( which the missus watches - so I can't just turn it off )

Using Creative in ear/plugs but the background TV noise is still audible.

Ideally 3.5mm jack , unless there is an adapter for "normal" size headphones to fit a 3.5mm jack socket.

Not looking to spend more than £30 ish.

Any ideas ?


I agree with TooNice here. I haven't tried the Koss Porta Pros myself, but I've used the Koss KSC-75s, which have the same drivers, and they are just awesome. They compare very well with the Grado SR80s I used to own, but more open.

Having said that if background noise is a big problem, maybe something with a closed back would be better.
fish99 said:
Having said that if background noise is a big problem, maybe something with a closed back would be better.

Noob Alert - A Closed back ?

Please explain.


Twoshots said:
"Decent" headphones for thirty quid..Not going to happen...Break open the wallet my friend and plump for the Beyerdynamics Dt 770 Pro...

Lol, I see a "spec me a pair of headphones" thread every week. I think there should be two more a few pages away.

But I agree with Twoshots. I bought a pair of DT770 Pro's the other week and they sound amazing. I'm having to listen to music again, and e.g. if it's trance where there's lots and lots of additional electronic sounds...let's just say I'm now hearing an extra dimension to my collection :D
mrdbristol said:
Noob Alert - A Closed back ?

Please explain.



Closed back are ones that cup your ears (*giggles*) and tend to block out lots of external noise, but not obviously to the level of noise reduction headphones.

Open ones don't fit as snuggly but you may have to turn the volume up to fully appreciate the sound.

That's one factor, and the other is that Open ones can be looser fitting (but that's not a set rule). So i.e. comfort.
Twoshots said:
"Decent" headphones for thirty quid..Not going to happen...Break open the wallet my friend and plump for the Beyerdynamics Dt 770 Pro...
I have to disagree there. The DT770 are fine phones, and I have vouched for them in the past. But you don't -have- to get that to get your first "wow factor" if you are used to something generic. Price doesn't say very much you only need to check this thread: (pretty random search).

If the Porta Pro costed twice as much, they would still not be a rip off.
.. and likewise, the KSC-75 are quite a bit cheaper than the Porta Pro, but not necessarily worse either.

However, the open vs close thing could be a decisive factor. The DT770 are closed, whereas the Porta Pro are open (as are the DT990; the DT880 are "semi open", but mostly open). IMO, open headphones tend to have an advantage from a purely sonic point of view (apparently, they are easier to design). The sound has more air, the soundstage wider. Closed phone do have "heavier" bass, although I find there is less control/air to it. With exceptions, most of the higher end cans are open. In general, I think open cans are perfectly suitable for home use where there is not much ambient noise (assuming you are not running 3 screaming deltas). If you are taking them outside, then that's another matter.
On a side note, open and closed should not be confused with circumaural and non circumaural: circumaural headphones have large pads that go over the ear, but the design do not automatically make them isolating.

Anyway, my point isn't to say that the Beyer aren't good phones, and/or that the Koss are better. But if you are on a budget, you won't go wrong with a Koss (not to mention that the later is easier to drive than a Beyer for his source). The Sennheiser PX100 as mentioned by Eliot is a worthy alternative to the Porta Pro, although the two sounds quite different. The Koss are more Grado-like and the PX100 more.. well, Sennheiser like ;)
Twoshots said:
"Decent" headphones for thirty quid..Not going to happen...Break open the wallet my friend and plump for the Beyerdynamics Dt 770 Pro...

Rubbish, completely rubbbish, I am an audiophile and I agree that the majority of the time to have great sound you have to spend big bucks but sometimes there comes along a product that breaks the rules and and one of them is the Koss PortaPro's, I've listened to hundreds of headphones rangeing from 99p upto £250 and nothing has made me want to leave my 1980's Koss Portapro's, yes I've heard better quality headphones but it's not allways about sound quality alone, the portsPro's have got a real smooth slightly warm sound with sublime bass that makes you really apprechiate lower frequencies,

Read these quotes and tell you don't want to own a pair of these headphones, these people below speak the truth,

"I have to say these are the best headphones you can find anywhere. The first time i tried them out i was blown away by the sound quality, i've never had a set of headphones portable or otherwise that sounds better, the quality of the bass is unreal"

"The PortaPros are indeed an amazing headphone. The bass is fantastic. They outperform many much higher priced hi-fi headphones"

"I've owned Koss' PortaPro headphones for 20 years. They are far and away the best sounding lightweight headphones I've ever found"

"The best-sounding portable headphones i've ever owned, period. simply powerful, deep, clear, intense bass, clear highs, and fantastically accurate midrange"

"I am very crucial about bass in headphones as so many claim to have "great bass" yet fall short. The Porta Pro's get straight A's in this category, out performing the high dollar jobs"

"These headphones are amazing. They are lightweight and very comfortable. If you were to simply listen with them, without knowing the price, you would believe the sound was coming from a pair of very expensive headphones"

The net is full of thousands of comments like these about the Koss PortaPro's
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