I've just received a phone call from the passport office with regards to my son's application for a british passport (he's only 14 months old) but first some facts.
Me - Im male, british (born & bred), have a British passport
My Partner - She's Spanish (born and bred) and an EU National & has lived and worked in the UK for 8+ years
My Son - Born in Leeds LGI last year
His mother and I aren't married (whats the point when we're happily together 7+ years huh?) but my son's birth certificate clearly states I'm his father (which i am) and she's his mother and his place of birth stated as Leeds.
So thats the facts, out of the way apart from the fact that when filling in the passport application, we used my details as the parent (as Im British), i sent my passport in together with my sons [original] registration of birth and birth certificate.
Now onto the phone call from the passport office mentioning a [potential] problem with the application. It seems because Im not married to my son's mother that all my documents & information count for nothing but if it was visa-versa and I was spanish and my partner British then there wouldn't be a problem (sexist?).
The girl processing the application then asked if my partner had "indefinate leave to remain in the UK" stamped in her passport by the Home Office....
doh...she's an EU national dimwit, she's entitled by the treaty of whatever to stay & work in the uk indefinatly and shouldn't need a rubber stamp to prove it. She is incidently registered with the Spanish Consulate as living & working in the UK which i think is more for Spanish electorial reasons than anything else (she gets voting forms for their elections from time to time). The phone call ended with the processor saying she would have to speak to her line manager in the morning as I think she's not entirly clear on whats what herself....apparently some rule or other changed in 2000.
Does anyone have any experience of these matters as Im very annoyed that MY son, born in the UK to me a BRITISH citizen is somehow not automatically regarded as BRITISH. It would probably be easier to get my son a spanish passport at this rate