Dell 2007WFP Yay or Nay

8 May 2006
My old 19" CRT is starting to really annoy me now and looking for a new TFT screen.

I've been liking the Dell 2007WFP, I was worried about all the banding problems that I've been reading since it came out, however I've found the A02 for £335 so that shouldn't be a problem any more.

Just wondering what you guy think of it, I'm sure there was a review of it on here but can't seem to find it LOL.

It will be used for a bit of everything really, some gaming, movies, browsing the net, photoshopping so needing it to be a good all rounder.

Hope you can help
Dark_Angel said:
I am kind of surprised that OCuk dont stock these monitors and only the standard aspect 2007 :(

Yeah I was quite suprised by that too. Maybe they will stock it in future.

I've just bought my 2007wfp off that good ol' internet auction site so hopefully it will be here tomorrow (the auction ends tonight if anyone is interested)

Looking forward to it :)
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