Dell 3007 and Banding? Anyone?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

I have a Dell 2407 atm, and I got it pretty much when they where released in the UK, I got one of the early models (rev A02), and although its great everywhere, it has one major issue, and thats banding! I ONLY notice the banding on gradients, and it can be quite bad sometimes!

I'm wanna get a new TFT now, and its gotta be a 30", and I'm VERY interested in the Dell 3007, but I want to know if anyone out there suffers from banding on those? Or knows of this to be a fault on those monitors? I don't want to splash out £850+ on a new monitor only to get lumbered with more banding!

Any info you can give me on this will be appreciated, I'm looking to buy this monitor very soon (maybe even today if I get good feedback :) ).

.... also, whilst I'm here, whats the latest revision for the 3007 (i.e. A04)?

i've never heard any reports really of banding on the 3007WFP. If a TFT isn't calibrated or set up correctly, you can experience banding on many models really if you really look for it, but there is no firmware associated issue with the 3007WFP that I know of, as there was on early revisions of the 2007 / 2407
awesome, looks like I am going to be £850+ outta pocket shortly then :)

cheers baddass
only thing i would advice would be to have a look at the samsung model 30" too, as it seems to have more accurate white than the dell 3007-HC i went through 4 of them and all have off looking white colours.

I am waiting for samsungs new LED backlight 30".
I bought one yesterday after I posted that along with a Dual Link DVI cable, so its too late now :)

I recevied it this morning and its sitting here next to me, Ill set it up later... the box is huge... but there again so was my 2407 box, getting ready for the "wow this is big" when I unpack it like I did when I took my 2407 out the box, that seems small now :)

baddass, if you read this, outta curiosity, what monitor do you use on a daily basis?
keogh said:
baddass, if you read this, outta curiosity, what monitor do you use on a daily basis?

i'm always floating around in here :) My personal screen is a Dell 2405FPW, but i tend to be forever using many different screens since I'm reviewing a lot nowadays. Recently for instance I've had the Viewsonic VX2435WM on my desk for a few weeks, now moved over to the Samsung 931C and Samsung 932B....i still love my 2405FPW though :)
Whats your thoughts on the DEll 3007WFP-HC? Good or bad? I'm sure you have reveiwed it... right?

Still love my 2407, apart fromt he banding issues, it was a beaut! Why oh why did dell remove the osd controls from the 3007? I can't see any logical reason behind it?
i havent used the 3007WFP myself, but it's a nice screen. Do you really find the banding that bad in practice then on your 2407? The 3007 requires some very hefty GFX power to run so bare that in mind. It's certainly a nice screen, prob one i'd consider personally if i were to upgrade, but mainly for the extra res / size.
I build websites, and im very Web 2.0, and web 2.0 involves quite a lot of gradients... and its VERY noticable on that. It was actually quite bad, because at times I was wondering whether I saved the background repeater in high enough quality, or whether it was the monitors banding screwing it up... and by checking on my Mac I found that it was the monitors banding screwing it up.

So it got to a point where I decided to bite the bullet and get a new monitor, decided I migth aswell go up a resolution, as I got the 3007 for a pretty good price.

The fact that it needs a heft graphics card was what was making me think not to buy it, but tbh I only play games on my pc 3% of the time (if that), the rest of the time is for work (as I work from home).

Gonna be screwed when Crysis comes out though, no way a single 8800 GTX is gonna run that nicely at 2560x1600 :O
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