Democracy, the Cameron way.

5 Jun 2010
Well tonight some Conservative MP's are voted against David Cameron's wishes regarding the proposed EU referendum.

He has rewarded them for there disobedience by sacking them from their ministerial roles.

What a disgrace.
I'm actually amazed they managed to find the backbone to vote against a 3 line whip.
He is scared of what the people want.

anyone born after 1951 has never been asked how they feel about the Euro experiment.

I for one want out of federal Europe and perhaps trade agreement you know how it was originally designed for.
Its the awesomeness of representative democracy! The fact that the people who voted for the referendum represent people who are not euro sceptics means the sensible choice of just accepting the EU as a reality will continue, hopefully forever more.
What a disgrace.

Absolutely. I'm starting to despite Cameron as much as I despite Blair. He's got absolutely no idea what his people want, but then his way is making a complete mess of everything as well.

He's going to drive people back to Labour next time, and I don't have any confidence that Milliband will be any better at all.

What a wonderful time for British politics.
Well tonight some Conservative MP's are voted against David Cameron's wishes regarding the proposed EU referendum.

He has rewarded them for there disobedience by sacking them from their ministerial roles.

What a disgrace.

They resigned, not sacked
I was gonna say...what democracy? Most of the general public's attitude towards democracy are negative anyway. Hordes of people who don't like any protesting, changing anything, critizing anything, un-patriots and hate to be offended.

Not exactly that democratic is it?

Who has been sacked, all I have heard is that two may resign, Stewart Jackson and David Lidington both private secretaries.

As far as I can find out, no-one as actually lost their position at all and certainly no-one has been sacked from one.

Do you have sources for your information?
anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen if the tories got into power but they still voted them in. by "this" i mean the generally crap state of governance this country enjoys.

having said that, the current opposition is also a joke so we're really shafted either way.
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