
Originally posted by Wedge
Uber mate, i can also host them, permanantly [sp] mail em to me.


ive just mailed em to ya mate :) you can send them to a few other peeps too if you like so that they can host them. everyone can feel free to mod them for personal use only :)


im hoping to get a few old computer bits together and make a linux server to keep all this stuff on so hopefully ill get it sorted out soon.
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Originally posted by Joobs
I like that one a lot ^ what wallpaper/theme is it?

Uber, did i read earlier in this post that you're making a faq saying how to create desktops like that? Because it would be really good if you did!

yeah i am doing a faq when ive got the time. i might do one that simply talks about the programs, how to use them, examples of things that work together well etc etc. for the moment. and then later talk about techniques in photoshop to achieve certain effects etc for wallpapers and stuff. unfortunatly i need to get a bit better at actually making visual styles as i havent really done one of those yet.

ill mail you the wallpaper and vs if you like :)
forces of nature!!


lol only posted to show the background. i think it looks quite nice...

(dont worry back to something less nature based for next post lol)
Originally posted by rich.kay
I know this is quite cheeky but i thought i might just ask anyway.. I got a fairly basic samurize script going but havin loads of problems getting the more advanced things workin, i've tried adding uberskilled's stuff but io just get loads of error msgs... so what i was wondering is if anyone who's got a workin setup would mind posting their whole samurize folder! That way i've got something that works well and then i can go on from there...

Much obliged if anyone can help!

[email protected]

after ive formatted my computer tomorrow and got everything how i want it. ill send you mine!


ill put it on some webspace as im sure at least a few peeps will want it also! lol
Originally posted by PAC2004
Thanks to uberskilled, he has helped me along with Samurize...

but where do i get some of these desktop themes?


im feeling very generous so....if anyones got space anywhere ill send them a few of my themes (rest i cant redistribute without permissions)


im gonna sign up to some more free webspace to use just for stuff like this. that way whenever i post i can put links underneath to everything thats being used in the picture :):)

i was bored so i made some changes to my samurie folder tonight to make it more organised. the only thing is i cant be bothered to relocate all my icons and put them in the right place for them to work. so youll either need to link to your own icons (for exmaple in the labels script) or ask me for mine.

other than that all of them will work straight out of the box so to speak lol

im gonna mail them to matrix so itll be up to him when its all available
aaaggggghhhhhh request overload!!! lol

firstly yeah ill write a read me for that samurize folder. in a few minutes probably.

as for the themes...illl send a few to matrix but some of them i cant send as theyre modded and cant be redistributed

is that okay??
Originally posted by melchy
Call me stupid, but is there a way i can copy the entire folder without having to copy each item individually ?

you can just copy the samurize folder over the top of the your samurize folder. itll ask if you wish to overwrite just say yes
Originally posted by melchy
Sorry i meant in getting the stuff off the web space.


you can only dload the full folder anywayz??!


just looked know what you mean!

right click on Uberskilleds Samurize folder and go to save target as...

then you need not dload everything individually

**edit** (again)

i thought he had anywayz cuz it was already zipped up. my apologies i should've told matrix to host the zip
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