
Originally posted by melchy
Here comes the questions, LOL.

I've update the weather cpu net pod config with the correct area, but its still showing grimsby. Does it cash info, or is there something else i need to do to get it to update. I've got the net, cpu part etc working fine.

What exaxtly does the remote milk do ? I've got it up and running and when you click on the buttons the big icons such as eject etc appear in the middle of the screen, but the thing itself doesnt seem linked to any medai player. Is there something else im meant to have running ?

The volume control works fine. I actually am starting to feel like im getting somewhere.

Have to say a big thanks to you Uberskilled :)

the grimsby thing is a txt box. just click it and change it to your town. i did it like that cuz uk doesnt fit on properly
Originally posted by melchy
I cant seem to get it to work with iTunes, i take it i need to configure it in some way to work with it.

yeah i needs to be configured for it...i might be able to write how to do it but otherwise i can make the config for you
heres how mines looking after my format yesterday...feelin grey...


Originally posted by agentsmith_28
this is really beginning to annoy me y when i save samurize things then open it the text boxex disseaper?

arghhhh!y is everytime i add a text box with blah blah in when i save it then open it again the text box dissepear is it sumfin im doin wrong or a bug?

sounds like it could be a bug. same thing happened to me a few times and then it stopped for no reason!
Originally posted by melchy
managed to get my tv schedule to work now, but only for terrestrial tele. Tried to include Sky One but it stopped working. Oh well reasonably happy now :)


round of applause for this guy!! i havent made it work properly myslef yet
Originally posted by oneilldo
uberskilled, I have searched through this thread and can't seem to see a link to where you got those apple task bars from. Please make a samurize first timer happy by supplying a linky, do I need to be running anything else to get the task bar working?
I have managed to get remoteMilk working with Winamp, just need a way of getting it to exit winamp (and getting winamp to start up minimised)

k im not sure what you mean by apple taskbars. you mean start menu, the bar at the bottom with icons, the actual bar in windows for navigation or the bar thats sometimes at the top with file, edit etc on it.

and as for the winamp thing. im not sure how to close winamp an start it up minimised. have you tried creating a button with a link to winamp and then a switch at the end? eg "location of winamp" /close????

i think i may have confused rather than helped there! lol
looks great!! cant believe i didnt think to put the pods script with that wallpaper it looks brilliant!!!

it always seems wierd when i see peoples desktops with stuff ive posted on.

brings a tear to my eye!




my next desktop/theme is gonna be really dark by the way cuz im going through a rough patch so anyone who likes dark themes may like it :)
Originally posted by oneilldo
Yeah I mean the start menu (bottom thingy of windows) isnt it the taskbar?, you had a nice silver one with a apple sign instead of the windows start button. I have tried the switch for winamp but it doesnt work, (tried -close, /close, \close etc but I dont think winamp5 likes cmd line params). Cheers

whats your email addy? ill mail em to you cuz the place i got that set from is down :) its a 6 pack of colors really nice !
Originally posted by melchy
Im still having problems getting the milk remote to do anything with iTunes. The buttons all now open iTunes, but dont actually do anything else. Otherwise things are now working as i want to, and a great big thanks out to you :D

hmm they should all work okay...although...i think a set of scripts are supposed to be in the scripts folder called start/stop etc etc. are they there? if you're using my folder then they should be. if not then that could be the problem.i cant remember offhand so what i said could be complete tripe. ill get it working with itunes tomorrow if you like and send you the config?
Originally posted by melchy
The scripts are there, but i cant see how to get them to work with the Bezelier. I've had some limited success in linking the buttons on the milk remote directly to the iTunes play/forward etc scripts but i'd quite like the big play/forward icons to appear when i select play on the remote etc.

ill have a play with bezelier tonight see if i can help you then :)
Originally posted by Chong Warrior
Samurize is getting on my nerves. It's just not 100% stable.

Every time I start windows I have to tell it to remain in locked position and pin to desktop:( Every now and then the script's stop working and it takes ages for it to boot up, as I have to wait for MBM5 to boot aswell to give me system temps.

Anyone using something else besides Samurize? more stable?

Also, it's just a pain in the backside making a new config. It's about as userfriendly as an NTL service;) It's a painstaking, labourious task.

Why can't you group things together and edit them all at the same time? for example if you want to change the font, or the size of text you need to go through each one, one at a time.:(

mine was the same, it didnt stay locked to the desktop etc etc. seems to be fixed for me now though as there is a new 1.20 release :D


theres a program called avedesk which allows you to run "desklets". there aren't a llot of configs available for it yet though as its quite new. i may be able to install it and port a few of my samurize configs to it though :)
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