Where are you going wrong?
6 hours is a long time to be getting it wrong.
sword bearer mob kept on hiding at the worst of times, meaning the boss moved before we could take the shield down a 2nd time (we would go for a wipe if this happened on 1st sword).
after ogres go down, very very difficult to get back in position, kill knights and thralls and exploders (at top), get swordbearer down and get shield down while boss is still in the centre. 3rd sword is defo the hardest one in the entire encounter. (also 5th sword is pretty much your last chance, and it is super hard as well).
it didn't help that most of the group was rocking 300 atk weapons, but wat can u do. i wanted to drop a bubble for weapons of light for sword holder, but group didn't want me to as they couldn't take bosses shields down reliably without me shooting it too..
I've got a 300 atk Vision of Confluence & Gjallarhorn, 331 atk Suros, Solar Sniper, Solar Machine Gun, and lvl 31.
If anyone wants to take me in their (PS4) group next week and show me just how
"easy" it is, feel free. I know the mechanics of the encounter inside out after the extensive experience I got the last 2 weeks and I am geared through the teeth, willing to try any legitimate strategy (no cheeserino plz).
Sure it might be
"easy" if you have an experienced sword holder and group who is geared to the max (all 331 weapons + lvl 31) but without maxed gear + decent control of taking shield down at the right time + decent sword comboing, this fight is pretty much the toughest thing I have ever attempted to do in my gaming life. :-\