*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

DPS isn't important on Crota, and definitely not 331 weapons. All you need for crota is one person with a 300 gjallarhorn. Two hits and he's down, simpler that way as you just have one guy calling 'firing' and the swordbearer knows exactly when to go. Really surprised you were having trouble taking his shield down....you definitely do not need 331 attack.

The boomers go down easy with a 300 VoC. A dude on ice breaker duty makes it trivially easy.

The only tricky part is the gjallarhorn guy and swordbearer communicating effectively. The rest is just basic game skills (i.e. not dying, shooting stuff). Remember if you do wipe to have everyone batter the thralls with supers and hoover up ammo and orbs.

Not that it's 'easy'....it's just that only two guys have the difficult job. Everyone else just has to stand around shooting static target zzzzzz

where is your group positioned? top left or top right or centre?
how do u deal with sword bearer hiding (when he does it)?
how do you react when boss is not in the centre of the platform?

we were not using 2 g-horn rockets to take down shield, but primary's for 1st shield and heavy's for 2nd shield.

so someone with 8-10 ghorn ammo can effectively "solo" the "shield busting" duty for the whole encounter..?
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DPS isn't important on Crota, and definitely not 331 weapons. All you need for crota is one person with a 300 gjallarhorn. Two hits and he's down, simpler that way as you just have one guy calling 'firing' and the swordbearer knows exactly when to go. Really surprised you were having trouble taking his shield down....you definitely do not need 331 attack.

The boomers go down easy with a 300 VoC. A dude on ice breaker duty makes it trivially easy.

The only tricky part is the gjallarhorn guy and swordbearer communicating effectively. The rest is just basic game skills (i.e. not dying, shooting stuff). Remember if you do wipe to have everyone batter the thralls with supers and hoover up ammo and orbs.

Not that it's 'easy'....it's just that only two guys have the difficult job. Everyone else just has to stand around shooting static target zzzzzz

Unfrotunately I think he's got it.

Your sword bearer / team communication needs work. We all have issues with the sword bearer running around and hiding, but not to the point that it actually makes any difference to the raid.

Do you usually get to the 5th sword and find you've not done enough damage ? if so it sounds like your sword bearer needs to refine his technique.

With the right combos it can be done in 2 swords, let alone 5.
Do you usually get to the 5th sword and find you've not done enough damage ? if so it sounds like your sword bearer needs to refine his technique.

With the right combos it can be done in 2 swords, let alone 5.

why do u think i posted that dmg post ^^
i was trying to suggest different combos but ppl weren't really interested in anything other than light -> light -> heavy :(

we would have needed 4 flawless sword runs (with 2x shield removals) to kill boss (3rd sword we usually messed up a bit as that one is ultra hard).

i also wanted to use my bubble on sword holder, but got shouted at and told not to, as they needed my dmg output to take down boss shields and "it isn't in the youtube videos"..... :(
Weapon of light apparently don't stack with sword.

We did ours without it. Weapon of light for Ogres to take it down quickly and then we head right and go through the centre room to head over to the left side to repeat out left side attack - with someone covering the knights as they run up and across.
Blade dancer is awesome for sword duties 4 x R2 smashes, had him below half after 2 rotations. Shame we really seemed to struggle getting Crotas shield down when I called for it and the group seemed to struggle getting back I'm to a rythem after Ogres.

yup, same problems as us (getting back to rhythm after ogres)

is R2 the horizontal (weak) slash or the vertical (heavy) slash for you?

best not to refer to it by button pressed, bcos some ppl have reversed R1->R2 controls etc.

we were getting him below half in 2 rotations (basically by the 1st ogre point). it's the 2nd half of the fight that rekd us.
some people here are saying you should have the boss DEAD after 2 rotations :-\
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I find when we struggle it's a combination of someone not pulling their weight or ammo issues. The ammo drops are particularly scarce during the Crota fight.

Level is a huge deal too, our level 31 sniper had the boomer knights down in two icebreaker shots last night, we didn't have to even think about the boomers. Tonight, on his 30 alt, it was taking 3 shots and suddenly we had to be a bit more cautious when they were up.

Needless to say, we didn't get him tonight. We got him to needing one sword hit, I'm not even joking, then someone died... Got the oversoul, but then another dropped and it was game over.

Gunna have another crack tomorrow, I want that Rocket launcher to match my sniper and machine gun. :D

We were all level 31's. No idea what went wrong. Sword bearer was consistently doing good damage, and no one was repeatedly dying. Occasionally we were too slow taking the sword guy down, but the main problem was it never came together. We did get him to 10% or less a few times though.

Our raid team has spent 7 hours in the last 3 days fighting Crota. Last night was a tough one for sure. Suddenly things weren't as fun!
I have heard otherwise, but meh, don't have anything to back it up, so maybe it doesn't.

We were doing the exact same strat as you by the sounds of it.

The bit you're possibly missing is someone saying "I think we'll need to make this the last run. I've got to get to bed". Once someone said that, we completed it the very next run :D

Here's our technique in mind-numbing detail. It took us 2 or 3 hours to get a decent run together, but we stuck with the same technique from the first attempt to the last.

From the middle room, 4 clear out the left side, move to the top of the left stairs, and take out the 2 boomer Knights. 2 clear out the right side then regroup with everyone on the left.

One level 31 with Icebreaker is responsible for the 2 boomer Knights on the left tower for the duration of the fight. We pretty much ignore the right side but no harm in taking them out too.

As soon as your designated swordman gets out on the left, he/she runs for the chalice while everyone on the left focuses on the swordbearer. The swordman should ideally hand off the chalice to a teammate, then pick up the sword (which should hopefully be just falling to the ground).

The swordman then jumps onto the left pillar and announces to the team. If he/she is a Bladedancer, kneel to gain invisibility and jump up to Crota the moment it kicks in.

The moment the rest of the team gets the call from the swordman, they should focus fire on Crota with whatever they have. One person should use a primary to prevent his shield regen between any pauses for reloads etc, but ideally someone should just be hitting him with rockets and he'll go down quick. The team should announce when his shield is halfway, at which point the swordman should jump up and run towards him. Crota's shield should be down just as the swordman reaches him.

The best combo for the swordman, combining damage output and low risk, is Light, Light, Heavy, Heavy. The second heavy takes a moment to kick in but should hit just before Crota's regen starts. If the swordman is a little off time, don't bother with the 2nd heavy.

The swordman then jumps away, use Light attack to slash away from Crota and glide back to the pillar. Once on the pillar, announce to the team, if Bladedancer, use invisibility again. Repeat as above except when it comes to the final hit, if super is up, use it! Escape off the front ledge and regroup with the team.

The next bit is easy. Crota will go right and you can leave him over there. When the swordbearer comes out, bring his health down but do not kill him until Crota moves back to the middle. As soon as he's on his way back to the middle, kill the swordbearer, steal his sword and repeat same process as first sword.

Once the 2nd sword has done it's thing, everyone goes to the lower middle, right to the back of the hallway and waits for the Ogres. Once they appear at the entrance, have someone drop a Weapons of Light bubble (if they have it), everyone powers up, and focus fire on the Ogres. They should go down pretty quickly if you've got some rockets and Icebreaker firing they're way. Even Murmur does reasonable damage on them.

Once the Ogres are banished, everyone heads back out and goes right, up the stairs and through the back, regrouping at the left side again. Watch out for the boomer Knights here. You can take them down or ignore them and just make a run for it. There will be a lot of Thralls, including Cursed Thralls, that people need to clear out while moving through the back room. You want to get rid of them all but get to the left as quickly as possible.

At this point, you're basically back at the beginning of the routine but it is even more important to get the swordbearer down as quickly as possible! Hit him with rockets, supers, whatever it takes to get that sword off him. All the time spent clearing it the back room means that Crota won't be hanging around for long in the middle, so every second is important.

If the swordman has been perfect with all of his/her hits, Crota should go down at the end of 3rd sword. If it's slightly less than perfect, he should go down easily with the 4th sword. Ideally you don't want to have to rely on a 5th sword as dealing with more Ogres, Crota's shield etc.. Ammo is probably going to start being an issue for some of your team.
everyone was 31.

anyone who thinks it is easy either a) got carried or b) cheesed it :p

Well i'm the swordbearer for our group if we can be arsed to take him out legit so i doubt i got carried haha. I still say its pretty easy, the mechanics are simple, there's only 2 important roles and the times i've stayed back shooting stuff in other groups i've been bored senseless due to how simple it is.

sword bearer mob kept on hiding at the worst of times, meaning the boss moved before we could take the shield down a 2nd time (we would go for a wipe if this happened on 1st sword).

after ogres go down, very very difficult to get back in position, kill knights and thralls and exploders (at top), get swordbearer down and get shield down while boss is still in the centre. 3rd sword is defo the hardest one in the entire encounter. (also 5th sword is pretty much your last chance, and it is super hard as well).

it didn't help that most of the group was rocking 300 atk weapons, but wat can u do. i wanted to drop a bubble for weapons of light for sword holder, but group didn't want me to as they couldn't take bosses shields down reliably without me shooting it too.. :(

I've got a 300 atk Vision of Confluence & Gjallarhorn, 331 atk Suros, Solar Sniper, Solar Machine Gun, and lvl 31.

If anyone wants to take me in their (PS4) group next week and show me just how "easy" it is, feel free. I know the mechanics of the encounter inside out after the extensive experience I got the last 2 weeks and I am geared through the teeth, willing to try any legitimate strategy (no cheeserino plz).

Sure it might be "easy" if you have an experienced sword holder and group who is geared to the max (all 331 weapons + lvl 31) but without maxed gear + decent control of taking shield down at the right time + decent sword comboing, this fight is pretty much the toughest thing I have ever attempted to do in my gaming life. :-\

The only bit the 300 attack weapons will be letting your team down is for shooting the ads and getting the swordbearer down quickly. The extra 15% damage of the 331 weapons will help clear them out quicker and make the encounter just that little bit easier. When i've run teams using mostly 300 attack weapons i find i'm sat there watching people plowing bullets into the swordbearer and he takes forever to go down. The times i've been with lfg people using 331 weapons he's down mega quickly. Now i find if the team has 300 weapons i unload a couple of gjallarhorns into him myself as taking him down quickly is crucial to winning the fight. Take too long with the swordbearer for 1 or 2 goes and crota runs off, the team loses momentum and it's really hard to pick it up again from there.

why do u think i posted that dmg post ^^
i was trying to suggest different combos but ppl weren't really interested in anything other than light -> light -> heavy :(

That's probably because it's one of the strongest attacks for how short it is. Get to crota as he's kneeling and you can do a light-light-heavy combo followed by an extra heavy. Anything else is a waste unless you're hunter invis'ing him and getting 5 heavy attacks.

we would have needed 4 flawless sword runs (with 2x shield removals) to kill boss (3rd sword we usually messed up a bit as that one is ultra hard).

So? It's not a race to kill him, just stay calm, do it right and get him down before he enrages. Don't go messing it up because you feel you need to beat him in 3-4 swords.

i also wanted to use my bubble on sword holder, but got shouted at and told not to, as they needed my dmg output to take down boss shields and "it isn't in the youtube videos"..... :(

No point, it makes no difference.
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We were all level 31's. No idea what went wrong. Sword bearer was consistently doing good damage, and no one was repeatedly dying. Occasionally we were too slow taking the sword guy down, but the main problem was it never came together. We did get him to 10% or less a few times though.

Our raid team has spent 7 hours in the last 3 days fighting Crota. Last night was a tough one for sure. Suddenly things weren't as fun!

As the swordsman last night - this is what I found the most difficult, timing - the boss not going down on time unfortunately was the biggest problem. It meant either getting blasted just jumping up onto the platform (by crota) or having to run around and dodge his fire on the platform. He seemed a bit inconsistent - sometimes he would fire at the stones behind the platform sometimes he wouldn't! :(

Getting onto the stones on the side and then the platform was a feat in itself, then having to get enough hits in to do decent damage, then get away quick enough without being taken down - it's a lot more difficult than it looks to bystanders.

Only way I can see people getting four hard hits in (hard being a combination of either R1 x 2 or R2) is if they are stood right next to crota and start hitting him as he starts to go down. Three hard hits is do-able if you have to run say 2 virtual metres - anything more than that then you will be lucky to get in 3 hits before he takes you out, whilst running away.

Whilst there's no room for even a minuscule error on the swordsmans part, there's also other elements like the sword bearer running away like a little girl as soon as someone looks at him (i.e. for no reason!). All these factors mean you just need to get lucky with a perfect run for it to happen.
For all you sword guys, If you hold up on the left stick whilst pressing heavy attack you can attack quicker, it enables you to get 4 heavy attacks on Crota. Depending on whether you are an invisible blade dancer of course. ;-)

Practice on earth when you take a Blade down. Our swordbearer the other night was a guy called 'MajinTaj', he has videos on YouTube. With his direction our rubbish pick up group had him in just under 4 minutes.
Anyone on Xbox One looking to do VoG Hard or Crota's End?

I've got a level 31 Warlock for VoG and a Level 30 Hunter looking to do CE. Got no commitments tonight too :D
Let's kick it off with:

Xbox One VoG (Normal or Hard as voted by Majority who signs up)

Tonight, 1930?

1) Dr Pharmacology (Warlock 31)
2) Ehhh Mazin?
Anyone on Xbox One looking to do VoG Hard or Crota's End?

I've got a level 31 Warlock for VoG and a Level 30 Hunter looking to do CE. Got no commitments tonight too :D
Would love to but I'm off up to Bonnie Scotland tonight. My game time will be severely limited until the 2nd Jan now. :(

I'll see what evenings I can get on without peeing off the fam too much! :p
Just did crotas end with a pug from destinylfg, from start to end took about 45 minutes! :o

I got black hammer :)

I now have black hammer and song of ir yut from defeating crota twice. Not too bad, just need to get hunger of crota and I'll be happy with my raid weapons.
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