Difference between these Asus sound cards?

31 Dec 2006
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You've link the same card twice there. I'm guessing the other you are referring to is the DS?

If you do mean the DS, then no it's more than just 5.1/7.1 being the difference. The DG is more a headphone card, although it does have 5.1 connections. The DS has superior components. Whether one could tell the difference between them, sound quality wise, who can say without a direct comparison.
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My bad, edited that. Yes, I meant the DS 7.1

I don't ever use headphones on my PC. I only have a 2.0 speaker setup, although they are very nice speakers.
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Not impressed with that review. Barely mentions Dolby Headphone or DTS features, which are the main useful differences between the DG and DS.
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