I never believe a word that The Inquirer says anymore, but I am hoping that this will be a reality. As much as I hope, however, the lack of mentioning any titles whatsoever only reinforces my belief that this is just more rumour and speculation, in the true style of The Inquirer.The Inquirer said:Direct X 10 games to come in Q1 2007
Earlier than we expected
By Fuad Abazovic: Thursday 15 June 2006, 11:59
THE HEAVY delay of Vista might actually have a good side as well.
Game developers have been working with the Software Development Kit for Direct X 10 for some time since it became publicly available. And, since Vista was planed for earlier than this Yule or Q1 2007, games developers have already started beavering away at their first DX10 titles and might finish them before anyone expects.
It won't be the same story as when the developers had to change from DX 8 to Direct X 9. This time around, the Vole has put up some serious money to make the transition faster.
Souces we spike to said the first DirectX 10 titles will be ready at the same time s Vista and, if we are lucky, we might be able to buy both Vista and DX 10 titles in early 2007.
I am just glad that DirectX 10 won't be called WGF 2.0 - Windows Graphics Foundation. It is also not hard to port Xbox 360 games to DirectX 10 due to the similar hardware capabilities. µ
Will be a good topic for discussion anyway, so knock yourselves out.

- Exsomnis.