Disney should buy the rights to Firefly.

1 Sep 2007
Santa Monica, California
Joss Whedon the writer/creator/producer and director of Firefly wrote and directed the 3rd biggest movie of all time for Disney, Avengers Assemble. Avengers cost approx $220mil to produce and has grossed $1.5bil worldwide.

Now I know it is not as cut and dried as that, but that is one hell of a profit margin.

Surely there is someone at Disney Joss can turn to and go, "fancy buying Firefly from Fox?".

I think Disney would/should let Joss do whatever he liked and keep the series with that dark tint.
Why would Disney want to take a chance on Firefly, which pretty much tanked under Fox? Sure, it's got a cult following, but Disney aren't really in the market for that. Besides, Whedon is by no means infallible - think of Dollhouse.
I have, there's so many hurdles to overcome though. You've got to get the cast back (the likes of Nathan and Morena in particular have regular slots on other shows now) Joss is ridiculously busy right now (which is why he's not going to be doing as much on S.H.I.E.L.D.)
If Disney owned the rights, and if Joss wanted to make more, I'm sure it would happen. Supposedly Vin Diesel managed to get to film another Riddick film by refusing to do more Fast & Furious if they wouldn't let him.
If Disney owned the rights, and if Joss wanted to make more, I'm sure it would happen. Supposedly Vin Diesel managed to get to film another Riddick film by refusing to do more Fast & Furious if they wouldn't let him.

Hardly the best example, given that Chronicles of Riddick is utter poo compared to Pitch Black.
Hardly the best example, given that Chronicles of Riddick is utter poo compared to Pitch Black.

Am I the only person who thought Chronicles of Riddick was ******* awesome?

It was like Conan the Barbarian in space, action was brilliant, the scale was great, and the fantasy sci fi was so good. Miles better than Pitch Black for me, though Pitch Black was a great introduction to the character. I really hope Riddick shows some of what happened after he took command of the army.

As for Firefly, I think it's too far, too gone now realistically, the film wrapped it nicely, which a lot of shows never got the chance, should be thankful for that.
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People seem to forget how popular Firefly really wasn't.

Yes there are forums full of nerds like us who heap it with praises but for the most part, it really didn't do very well.
That's for a number of reasons though (poorly handled by network, only available to a tiny fraction of the fanbase on TV, only 'counts' if you're a Nielsen family etc)

I for example as a huge fan of Buffy and Angel had never even heard of Firefly until years after it was cancelled. Was I not a potential market?

We're heading into an age where we can not be limited by geographical location, outdated rating systems and incompetent networks.
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