“Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” error

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30 Dec 2004
Hi, I was hoping I could get a bit of advice. Over the past few weeks I've had the problem above maybe 2 or 3 times. Only lasts for a few seconds with a black screen and then it goes back to normal saying that the system has recovered.

Any idea what could be causing this? I'm running the latest Battlefield 3 drivers (almost certain it happened previously though....) but rarely game on the PC so I don't think temp is an issue.

I ran a program called hwmonitor and this is what it states:


I'm not great when it comes to things like this so I was hoping someone could tell me if these temps look OK for a PC that generally doesn't be used for games.

Windows 7 64 bit
12gb ram
GTX 460 Gfx

Thanks for any help.
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I've had the same display driver stopped responding" issue a couple of times lately, always in windows or web explorer but never in games. Is this purely a driver issue or could it be worse like a borked gpu?

Sorry to bump but no point creating a duplicate thread. Cheers.
I've had this a few times, initially I upgraded my PSU to see if that was causing it but in the end I rolled back my GFX card drivers and it cured the problem.
It can be caused by a few different things; driver glitch, CPU overclock minor instability etc, card not 100%, so it's hard to identify exactly what causes it at all times.

If the driver you're using is known good, might be worth running a few other stability tests :)
My laptop does this, I wish there was a way of finding out exactly what the cause is as its still under warranty!
had this error too, also upgraded psu and solved the problem. I had tried different drivers but didnt work for me personally but i know this has worked for others. Also some mates had this error and theres was down to memory problems, upon installing new memory problem solved! hope this helps.
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