Distance learning - which company do I pick?

20 Oct 2005
Suffolk, UK
Anyone had any experiences (good or bad) with any distance learning companies?

So far, I'm looking at ICS, but want to get any views that some of you may have about them or other companies. They all offer the courses I want, so how am I to decide with which company to go? :rolleyes:
I've done Distance Learning with Nelson Thornes over 4 years, 3 different courses.

Can't say I found it great, but it depends on who the tutor is on which course.
Agree with the OU if they offer the courses you want. I've done several with them now (on my way to a degree) and they're well paced with plenty of course materials.
My wife is with OU at moment and I'm impressed. I've done the same course in a normal uni and (although that was sometime ago) the OU materials and course are in my view better.
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