As there are quite a few guitarist on the forum i thought i would post this up. For any of you guys that are interested in amp/effects building i'm sure you already know the usual places but i found this german site
Seems reasonably priced and carriage from Germany is 17.50euro - some nice amp kits on here as well as stomp box kits eg MXR distortion+ equivalent £20 delivered, worth a punt in any mans book.
As someone who has built my own valve amp i can highly recommend it as an enjoyable and rewarding pasttime. I had no experience in electronics whatsoever but there are loads of helpful sites and forums out there and the instructions that came with my kit where practically a dummies guide.
Anyway with Christmas coming up maybe you would be happy spending someone elses money on one of these kits, if it's something you ever thought of trying.
Seems reasonably priced and carriage from Germany is 17.50euro - some nice amp kits on here as well as stomp box kits eg MXR distortion+ equivalent £20 delivered, worth a punt in any mans book.
As someone who has built my own valve amp i can highly recommend it as an enjoyable and rewarding pasttime. I had no experience in electronics whatsoever but there are loads of helpful sites and forums out there and the instructions that came with my kit where practically a dummies guide.
Anyway with Christmas coming up maybe you would be happy spending someone elses money on one of these kits, if it's something you ever thought of trying.