DIY Nokia Firmware Updates

2 Jun 2003
Bristol UK
Had a quick check and couldn't find anything :)

Nokia (on the sly might i add) have made their firmware updates for people to do at home!!,1522,,00.html?orig=/softwareupdate

There's only a handful of models available atm, but more are due to be posted! This is great news as I didn't want to be without my phone for days leaving it a service centre!!

I'm going to try and update the N91 and see what happens! :D

Tom :cool:
Well it's all done, and it's worked flawlessly from what i can tell! :D

I backed up all my stuff in the nokia PC suite (messages, contacts, calender etc), fired up the updater and followed the instructions! 10 mins later all done and restored my backup onto the phone!

Haven't read the changelog of the specific firmware i now have but i'm sure it must have done some bug fixes!

Tom :cool:
Shame its not avaliable for the N80 yet. I went to the update centre and asked it to be updated , the retards there formatted the phone and gave it back to me withhout the new firmware lol

sneakyd said:
Anyone done their N70???

Yea I did mine this morning, it took about 30 mins in total including downloading the initial nokia software. It is really straight forward with good instructions. Phone is a lot faster, especially when accessing the menus etc. Just remember to back up your sim as it returns the phone to default and wipes everything.
Updated my N70 fine too. Made a huge difference on speed, most noticeably in the gallery! More or less instant now instead of dog slow :)

Had to restart the updater software when it refused to believe I had plugged in my phone charger. Was ok after that tho.
So its easy to do is it?

I have a 6630 with an old firmware. What will I have to back-up before I do this? My sim and my phone memory? How do I back them up? I have nokia suite installed on my PC.

Anyone know what Firmware this upgrades to on the N70?

As ive got a N70 with 3.xx firmware, used this update tool and said I had the latest version :confused: I thought version 5.xx was out?

I flashed anyway and still was still 3.xx
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