So i want to rant and swear for hours, but i'll get banned. But if anyone has some idea to help me, apart from telling me how rubbish creative are, i'd love to hear from you.
Bought an xtrememusic OEM off the bay in Jan.
It's never worked, well, properly, and if it doesn't get into shape soon, back on the bay it goes.
My main problem has been with ha20x2k.sys.
Now there's a lot of banter about this wonderful file on google, a lot seems to aim at the irq assignments. But my card really doesn't want to be cosy in PCI slot 1,2, or 3.
The card has worked, initially i couldnt use the console, but the card was working. I only play Bf2, and i had it running on ultra high then, but was like a ticking clock waiting for a bsod. Also had a phase where the card would just, pop, and it would die until i rebooted the system. One game i suffered major interference with cracking and popping, until the card had had enough, and gave up.
I've reinstalled windows twice, and now i can't even get past installing with the system going blue in the face on me. During my most recent install i tried the old f5 trick, as i had read this might resolve it my making the pc acpi hal? Or something, but i didnt get that option, only standard i486....or other.
So yeh my mobo is nforce4 (DFI infinity am2) and my card is the newer version (heatsinked) and my bios is latest. But i figured all the creative nforce4 stuff was like sooooo 2 years ago
Any help much appreciated.
Bought an xtrememusic OEM off the bay in Jan.
It's never worked, well, properly, and if it doesn't get into shape soon, back on the bay it goes.
My main problem has been with ha20x2k.sys.
Now there's a lot of banter about this wonderful file on google, a lot seems to aim at the irq assignments. But my card really doesn't want to be cosy in PCI slot 1,2, or 3.
The card has worked, initially i couldnt use the console, but the card was working. I only play Bf2, and i had it running on ultra high then, but was like a ticking clock waiting for a bsod. Also had a phase where the card would just, pop, and it would die until i rebooted the system. One game i suffered major interference with cracking and popping, until the card had had enough, and gave up.
I've reinstalled windows twice, and now i can't even get past installing with the system going blue in the face on me. During my most recent install i tried the old f5 trick, as i had read this might resolve it my making the pc acpi hal? Or something, but i didnt get that option, only standard i486....or other.
So yeh my mobo is nforce4 (DFI infinity am2) and my card is the newer version (heatsinked) and my bios is latest. But i figured all the creative nforce4 stuff was like sooooo 2 years ago

Any help much appreciated.