Do you believe in Life after Death.

26 Jun 2010
in Life after Death.

Now I am not limiting this to some pseudo-religious definition, but just asking the question if anyone has a view or more importantly reason to believe either yes or no.

I am not religious in any way being agnostic since I was 35, prior to this I held an atheist view similar to those of Dawkins and his ilk.

Without getting into too much detail, I was almost killed when I was 16 and I had what I can only describe as a near death experience, I am not talking about seeing a bright light or Angels or anything like that, but while I was lying in hospital on the brink of death, a woman (who at the time, I thought was a nurse) sat with me through the days and nights until I pulled through.

While this woman sat with me I felt a sense of well-being and peace, the pain I was in seemed distant and inconsequential. Strangely (although it didn't seem so at the time) she did not speak, not once, she just sat there holding my hand.

Anyway I pulled though and when I asked after the nurse who sat with me through that time, I was met with blank looks and was told that there was no such woman. I put it down to being so ill and didn't really think about it.

When I was 35 I was seriously injured and again found myself on the brink of death, you can imagine my shock when on the transport to the medical station that this same nurse (the exact same woman, the same age and everything) is sat next to me throughout the time on the transport (I felt the same feeling as before and again she said nothing), before I got to the station I slipped into a coma and the next thing I remember is waking several days later, the woman was gone. Again no-one saw this woman.

Was this a case of errant brain chemistry or something more, I cannot say, but it did open my mind from the certainty that there is nothing more after this life and I now accept that maybe there is more to spirituality and a supposed afterlife than I first thought.

Anyone else had such a epiphany, or have any thoughts on the afterlife, or do you simply not believe there is anything more.
Yes, but I generally keep my thoughts to myself on the matter. I've never met anyone else who quite shares my beliefs, so I find it best to live and let live.

Edit: As far as NDEs go, I've had two - both induced with DMT. These experiences led to a personal sense of verification for the beliefs I already held, not just about life & death but the nature of existence itself.
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I believe near death experiences are a mixture of hormones and the brain. Bit like dreaming to help cope with the trauma.
We are generally very closedminded in our human incarnations but a lot of people can see beyond it. Those who can't will fondly laugh at themselves after death.
When my nan died, I was about 15 i think, I was on a bus coming back from somewhere with a load of mates. I think it was Quasar, one of those laser tag games. Anyway, I sat there and I suddenly had a feeling that something had happened and she was gone.

I got home and found out that she had been admitted to hospital but it was no good and she died a few hours after getting there. She had been previously ill so maybe it was playing on my mind, but it was a hell of a freaky coincidence.

I dont read too much into it other than it was possibly one of the thousands of things my mind had considered in the moment and that it just happened.

I dont believe in an afterlife, id hope to be proved wrong one day.

I do believe that under situations of extreme stress or pressure the mind is capable of almost anything to help protect it and help it deal with the experience. Some of which can be extremely personal or interpreted as spiritual
Yes, but I generally keep my thoughts to myself on the matter. I've never met anyone else who quite shares my beliefs, so I find it best to live and let live.

Edit: As far as NDEs go, I've had two - both induced with DMT. These experiences led to a personal sense of verification for the beliefs I already held, not just about life & death but the nature of existence itself.

nope's all folks

I do.

I am not a religious person and there is not a shred of scientific evidence that life after death exists but there is an unshakable belief inside me that there is something beyond.

A couple of experiences that have happened to me and what I have seen add to this although I have never seen a ghost / apparition etc.
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