Do you save games until you can run them at Max ?

11 Jun 2021
As the title suggests I have around 20 games to play due to the fact that I can't play them on max settings (currently 1080p), in my mind how they were meant to be played.. anyone else the same ?

Is it a curse or a blessing ??
Whilst pretty graphics are nice. Gameplay matters more. Both is best.

I'd rather play a great game at "medium" than a poor game at "ultra".
No, that wouldn't make sense to me. 1080p what? 60fps? Why not 120fps? why 1080p? Do the devs spend all that time working on high res models and textures with the intention of targeting 1080p? Why not 4k instead?

No, if I went down that rabbit hole, I'd never play anything :p
No, performance is the most important aspect as far as I'm concerned.

I like maximum settings as much as the next person but even with an aging card like mine, quite a number of games still look great with the odd setting turned off, and some of the time I can't see all that much difference anyway (but I can detect the smoother gameplay ;)).
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No, that wouldn't make sense to me. 1080p what? 60fps? Why not 120fps? why 1080p? Do the devs spend all that time working on high res models and textures with the intention of targeting 1080p? Why not 4k instead?

No, if I went down that rabbit hole, I'd never play anything :p

4k ultra with max RT @ 165hz or nothing

Just started playing a game called "half life", seems pretty good so far :D

To be honest, I'm happy as long as I can run 1440p with most settings high @ 60fps (or 30 if its smooth and a console type game I can play on controller)
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4k ultra with max RT @ 165hz or nothing

Just started playing a game called "half life", seems pretty good so far :D

To be honest, I'm happy as long as I can run 1440p with most settings high @ 60fps (or 30 if its smooth and a console type game I can play on controller)
60fps is fine, but can’t be having 30fps at all any more, except for flight sim. Feels too sluggish.
If there's one thing I've learned these past couple of weeks playing games on PS3, it's that 720p can still look good on some games. So if I have to play a game at 720p, as long as it's 60fps, then I'm not too bothered anymore. Once upon a time before I got my PC, I was waiting to play loads of stuff at 4K60. Then I had a rude awakening to discover my 1070 can only manage 1080p60 on newer titles. It can only do 4K60 on games from PS3 era funnily enough. Exceptions apply, of course.

When it comes to consoles I do save games though. I have some titles on Xbox that I'm waiting to play on Series X and some PS4 games I'm saving for PS5.
Nope, if its a good game I will knock down settings, up to a point. If I end up having to knock down too many settings/compromise too much then its upgrade time. :p

Though with a 3080 now its not much of an issue. :D
I have a 4k panel but mostly game at 1440 to always pin 60 fps, to be honest some games at medium setting still look just as good to me moving as high or ultra, as long as i get 60 fps+ im happy, thats the deal breaker to me.
As the title suggests I have around 20 games to play due to the fact that I can't play them on max settings (currently 1080p), in my mind how they were meant to be played.. anyone else the same ?

Is it a curse or a blessing ??

it's a curse.

waiting for a game to drop price/be released on the platform you prefer/have the more glaring bugs fixed is one thing, but waiting for better hardware to play it on? nope.

if a game is good then it'll be good played on minimum settings, if a game is bad doesn't matter how high the graphics settings are it'll still be bad.

most of the games i have the highest hours and enjoyment out of either don't need a lot of horsepower to run at decent settings these days (bl2, civ, ksp), or are the kind of games that don't care how fast your rig is (arma)
I don't usually buy games on release as they are to much to be honest. By the time I get the game my system can manage games @120fps on max as I upgrade on a regular basis. If I do buy a great game early then I always reply games a few years down the line which I can run on max.
Is it bad that I'm still playing Skyrim from 2013? Also got The Witcher 3 on from 2015 which is still quite decent in 4K. All the games I've bought for Steam just build up but it's good to store away for a rainy boring day.
I love Skyrim. It's my next game to play again and I never get bored of it as long as you leave a nice gap in between completing it.
Modern games can still look amazing on the lowest settings. I'm not really that bothered about playing games at max settings... Doesn't improve the experience.
Not always. For the last 7+ years I've been using either 2560x1440@144Hz or recently 3840x1600@144Hz. I don't think I've hit the upper limit of my screens refresh rate in years.

I don't mind dropping a few settings to hit a minimum fps of 60
Not always. For the last 7+ years I've been using either 2560x1440@144Hz or recently 3840x1600@144Hz. I don't think I've hit the upper limit of my screens refresh rate in years.

I don't mind dropping a few settings to hit a minimum fps of 60
With a3090 I’d expect you wouldn’t have to drop one single setting to hit 60 on any game, barring flight sim.
I'm similar to the OP, I much prefer to be able to enjoy a game graphically when playing. The 3090 i now have in my system means i now don't need to touch a thing and runs pretty much anything I throw at it. I've not tried Flight Sim yet though, may give that a bash over the weekend. The last time I played it was on my 1070 the start of the year.
it's impressive you haven't burned yourself out on it.

i mean i know it's a good game but i kinda feel like i've played every quest so many times now that i can't enjoy it any more.

I think the break from it from time to time between work has helped keep it fresh.

I love Skyrim. It's my next game to play again and I never get bored of it as long as you leave a nice gap in between completing it.

There you go! Another one with the same effect from taking a break on it :)

I think with G-SYNC and Freesync nowadays unless you need 60fps or higher for the games, you can play them at near enough max and still enjoy the game, providing the min framerate doesn't dip too low too often.
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