Do YOU stay later at work unpaid?

5 Aug 2006
Hi all.

I am working on a project in a team of 6.

When 5pm comes, I will finish what I am doing and leave. If something MUST be done then I will of course stay.

I have some fellow employees that give me the evils for leaving at 5 or 5:20 (or something along those lines), however I am a firm believer that staying longer does NOT mean more work output. I know of other people who work late but then spend time playing freecell or minesweeper during the day.

For example today one bloke wants to go through a presentation at 5pm, to which other members of the team have already checked. He is bulldozes his ideas through and does not listen to others. They shared a lift in with him, so they are forced to stay as well, even though they won't be doing anything.

I am on a salary and do not get overtime.
I will stay after 5pm if required, but doing overtime every single day?!

So, OCUK, do you do unpaid overtime?
Hell no.

Once my time is up, im gone. Simple as.

Next week I will be taken away from my next department to work on a much more important project. I have been chosen due to good work I have done in the past, yet the two who work 1-2hours every single day overtime have not been asked.

The same goes for redundancies - It does not matter who is at work before light and stays until after dark, it depends what you are working on, your years of service and your sickness % to who goes first.
15 minutes or so I don't tend to mind, but I'm the one making the choice and it's usually because I can't be bothered to always rush at the end of the day/shift. I don't see the point in causing someone else more work, simply because I want to get out the second the clock stops ticking.

If I was however, told to stay without a choice in the matter, you'd soon find me walking out on principle.
Nope, perhaps if I'd have a really well paying job, but my current job, I'd write my letter of resignation the same day, no way I'm working without pay.

I get paid for overwork for every 5 minutes so no problem with overwork in general, I get paid for it anyhow.
I do at the moment, but thats only because the supervisor sits right behind me and he stays past 6pm everyday.

To combat this I just come in about 30mins later than I normally should do and it seems a good balance.
if it's urgent then yes I will stay :)

However, the place I work is quite flexible so if I work late one day then I can leave early/come in late on other days so I guess I am getting paid :)
15 minutes or so I don't tend to mind, but I'm the one making the choice and it's usually because I can't be bothered to always rush at the end of the day/shift.

If I was however, told to stay without a choice in the matter, you'd soon find me walking out on principle.

All of us are on the same level, eg// no-one is anyone's boss.
In the last 3 weeks, 3 of the 6 have had 1 day off, all of which I know were faked sickies.
it depends how you value your time. Lawyers and other people charge by the hour. Contractors charge by the hour. So i always leave on time. If i am late i try to make the time up. Depending on what is happening. I wouldn't stop what i was doing and go if it could not be carried on the next day or continued by someone else. I would stay after if i was dealing with something, but as soon as i finished the job/task i would leave, if it was going to take longer than 15 mins after my time to finish and i couldn't pass it, depending on the urgency of the issue i would ask them if it could wait. but with certain job if i didn't leave i could stay the whole night.
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If your tasks are done and you're not causing anyone else any unfair weight, then why stay unless you fancied a chat? If they haven't pulled their weight and have to play catch-up, then that's their own fault.
If I want to continue expanding my cleint base within the gym yes. At the moment I work incredibly long hours, some of which is admin, raport building / prospecting, and free taster sessions and interaction, ie unpaid.

Yesterday for instance, I worked from 7am til 10pm. about 9 hours of which was paid work.

The flip side is if I fancy working 3 hours next monday morning and spending the day dossing, sitting in the sun, or tinkering with my car, I can :D

Ant :cool:
If your tasks are done and you're not causing anyone else any unfair weight, then why stay unless you fancied a chat? If they haven't pulled their weight and have to play catch-up, then that's their own fault.

Indeed. They are all sat around one laptop whilst the 'bulldozer' lad checks through an already good presentation. I refuse to stay for the sake of staying late - If there is no point be being there then I won't stay!
Unpaid work? What is this I don't even...

At my workplace, we have flexi-time. So every minute we go over our "normal" hours, we can either claim overtime on or take shorter days or days off in the future.
A manager once said to me "If you need to stay late to finish your daily duties then your not managing your time properly"

Agreed with him as well, to a point, but in that job I was gone bang on time nearly every day :)
I'm back at uni now but last year I'd regularly stay til 8-9+ (in london).We used to work to very tight deadlines and I was in over the weekend a couple of times. It wasn't really an option to go home on time (5.30), because the whole team would generally still be there and if someone left their work would just be offloaded on to someone else. I didn't mind though, it's just the industry I'm in tbh.
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