does anyone have any movie memorabilia?

14 Aug 2003
Does anyone have any movie memorabilia? Here are some memorabilia that I have.

pls post pictures of what movie memorabilia you have.

Sorry if this has been done before.
All of mine is back in Norwich sadly...

Mine is mainly replica props - Couple of replica swords from Highlander, replica T800 head, Replica T800 arm in glass dome, lightsabers and the like.

Got a couple of genuine items too. Nothing particularly exotic though. Packet of Nails cigarettes from one of the Kevin Smith films, stuff like that.

Although my credit card keeps coming out whenever I go to the Propstore of London web site. The Millenium Falcon building from Bladerunner is up for sale. :eek:

Although a friend in the US has some cool stuff - 7ft tall fully detailed Predator statue in his woods, full size Alien in his cupboard *on the celing with the tail hanging down the wall - it still moves too*, one of the Gremlins from Gremlins 2, Anamatronic head that drips blood - guess what he does for a living?

His house is superb at haloween. Kids are scared poopless.. :D

Nothing myself, but I have a friend who has an (almost) complete carded collection of Star wars figures.

His wife loves Nightmare before christmas, so their house is loads of fun!

This figure is from a collection of around 20 \/
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