Does anyone remember Great Advice?

16 Dec 2005
He is my brother and hasnt been online for a couple of months, he was involved in a pretty bad car crash that left him in a bad way. He was a passanger in his friends car which spun off on a roundabout in Oldham into the path of an oncoming car, it hit the passenger side pretty bad and he was in hospital for 2 weeks.

he;s ok now but keeps blacking out and has problems concentrating so isnt allowed to drive, a big bummer for him :(

Im sure when he;s back on his feet properly he will be on here trolling again :D thought some of you wouldnt mind a heads up because i know he liked one or two of you on here.
Christ :eek: I assumed he'd just drifted away from the forums!

Please tell him the Motors lot send their best wishes :)
I'm shocked to hear this, did wonder where he had been. Send him my regards and I hope he's back to full health very soon.
Only reading the thread title made me suddenly realise he hasnt posted in quite a while, send him our best regards :)
:eek: Jeez! Poor guy!

It was only a month or so ago that he was arranging to take me and cymatty our for a spin in his Evo :(

Hope you're back here soon Lee! Here's to your speedy recovery /raises glass
Ive passed on your well wishes fellas, its appreciated :) His Evo has now been sold but he hasnt replaced it yet because he has been ill. No doubt he will return with pictures of something new though. He still has his stripped out one though :cool:

Edit - he;s just told me to tell you he's been well enough to wipe his own bum so he isnt a total invalid lol
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Hunger Strike said:
Edit - he;s just told me to tell you he's been well enough to wipe his own bum so he isnt a total invalid lol

ROFL! Sounds like something he'd say :p

Oh, tell him that agw's Rover is not rusty anymore!
I wondered where he was a few weeks ago, assumed just on a nice long holiday. Good luck to him getting better soon!
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