Does it matter which side I put my heatsink fan on?

10 Apr 2008
Hey you guys, I'm currently in the process of installing my Spire Thermax Eclipse II heatsink and I've hit a snag.

The instructions don't say which side I need to put the fan on, and to complicate matters further it comes with an optional extra fan, so you can have one on both sides.

I was going to put the first fan on the opposite side to the rest of the motherboard so that it wouldn't be blowing hot air onto it. Plus there's a massive 200mm fan that would sit right above it if I put it there, which would hopefully increase the flow of hot air out of the case. Is that the smartest thing to do?

Also if I decide to put the second fan on also, which way do I have to position them? I'm such a noob that I can't even tell which side is push and which is pull... :(
There will be (should be;)) arrows on the plastic frame of the fan showing direction of rotation and air flow.

Me personally would fit the fan blowing through the heatsink and have it either so its blowing east to west or south to north.
So my best bet would be one on the south side blowing air into the heatsink and one on the northside pulling air out and into the 200mm fan at the top of my case?

If I only wanted to install one fan, which one would I go for, the south or northside fan?
Thats sound correct, for a single fan i would do it south.

Heat rises so up and out of the case:)
Stulid, thank you sincerely for your advice!

I have just finished cleaning out my 3 year old PC, installing a new cooler and a new GPU.

My new cooler, to put it mildly, is the dog's proverbials. I was previously running at around 65C not under load. As I type this, I'm running at 20C! A 66% drop! Very nice indeed...
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