Does Quake wars crash due to my overclock?

10 Nov 2006
...or is it becourse its only a beta2?
The only other game I'm playing at the moment is GRAW2 and thats fine. Quake wars will run for about 25mins then freeze in-game resulting in a system re-boot. Does any-one else have this problem?
Check out my specs note though my GTX is running standard clock speeds.
PS. System is stable 24hours and in every stress test other than otheros.
test it at stock, if it doesnt crash then maybe try taking a couple hundred mhz off the original overclock, not sure of the exact reason but its possible for systems to be prime/orthos stable but unstable in games.
There's a really simple way to find out, set your computer at stock and if it doesn't crash then clearly your overclock is not stable.
o.k put everything back to factory stock, it still froze in game this time after only 10 mins of playing. So its either the beta2 version or a GPU or driver problem?
you need to run orthos a lot longer than 1 hour to be totally sure its 100% stable.

Although if it froze at stock settings its most likely the beta game or driver issues as you say. Are your GTX drivers up to date?
Spartacus said:
you need to run orthos a lot longer than 1 hour to be totally sure its 100% stable.

Although if it froze at stock settings its most likely the beta game or driver issues as you say. Are your GTX drivers up to date?

Yeah I have the lastest nvidia beta drivers
try filtering the servers and find a server that isn't running punkbuster then play on there for a while, i wouldn't be surprised if your lockup problem magically disappeared.
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