Does the world cup fever annoy you?

17 Oct 2002
Shoulda seen this then..

Ive just got back from watching the Korea vs Togo game along with 300,000 fans...thats 300k in my immediate the surrounding areas, 3.5 million people came out to watch the game..

Huge screens...LOTS of booze...and tons of korean girls who were wearing far too few clothes ^^

Not a single bit of violence either..

This is where we were sitting...this is one of 4 roads that were absolutely packed solid...people sitting watching the game...It went crazy when they scored...twice...

This was the scene when i got back to my street..I had to wait 10 minutes till they finished dancing and singing cos i couldnt get through

Hah I was about to ask for pics in the other thread. Looks awesome.

Where the TV though? Is it just to the right of the foreground tree in pic 1?
I'm not having a go here, but, have you two^^ ignored the OP or have you missed the point?
Really enjoyed watching Korea beating some of the best teams last World Cup. Hope they do well this time too :)
It's situations like that, that I love. I was in Greece when they won the euros in 2004. Best atmosphere ever. Free drinks too. Cheers guys ;)
Tru said:
Hah I was about to ask for pics in the other thread. Looks awesome.

Where the TV though? Is it just to the right of the foreground tree in pic 1?

Yeah..the cam wouldnt pick it up well..

The girls there...Oh my lord :o You wouldnt believe it..STUPIDLY i went with a girl that I have a thing with so I couldnt take any photos of the girls..but next game..


When they won.


The traffic was stopped cos of all the people..they climbed up on top of the buses and everything...bus drivers just sat there and had a fag hehe..
Andelusion said:
Wow that looks incredible.

I really wish I lived in Korea :(

there were similar scenes here as well ;) Well, I was at Silverstone and there were thousands of people packed in to watch the football on the huge screens. Granted, it meant we missed the GP2 race, but hey, sacrifices and all that.

Although, whilst there it was good and the atmosphere was top notch (Formula1 fans aren't known for violence or football hooliganism ;)), I read about Liverpool and London (where they had big screens) saying they will no longer host the games because of violence. For that reason, I guess living in Korea would be good ;)
Hmm, personally i like to watch england games, but everything else i'm not into due to the BBC changing TV schedules meaning that Neighbours is only on at 1.40pm instead of 1.40 and 5.35. Meaning i miss neighbours most days :(.
Damn it looks amazing, I 'm going to have to bump up S. Korea on my, 'Places to go, girls to do', list. :cool:
They do that around pubs and soccer clubs and stadiums down here aswell.

Maybe not 300,000 people tho :eek:
personally, I hate it, it gets in the way of everything, world cup fever this fever that.
Radio is full of it, TV is changed to accomodate it :(

I mean seriously, how stupid do coca cola think people are, 80p for a 250ml "limited edition" ball shaped bottle of coke?

Although some people (pubs, clubs) must be making a fortune out of this.
jamoor said:
I mean seriously, how stupid do coca cola think people are, 80p for a 250ml "limited edition" ball shaped bottle of coke?

Although some people (pubs, clubs) must be making a fortune out of this.
Surely you mean how clever are coca cola? Even you as a non-footballing person know it exists:)
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